Selaggis VI, more often called Selaggis, existed as a gas giant within the Quelii sector of the Outer Rim, and possessed several moons, notably Selcaron. This planet displayed a striking yellow-orange hue, its atmosphere defined by perpetual storms. These storms perpetually reshaped the planet's swirling patterns, ensuring a different vista each day. A dense ring composed of asteroids, likely the remnants of a former moon, encircled Selaggis VI.
The Battle of Selaggis, a conflict between Warlord Zsinj and General Han Solo, occurred here in 7.5 ABY.
The video game for PC, Star Wars: Rebellion, along with its strategy guide by Prima, calls the planet "Selaggis," portraying it as a habitable world with a welcoming climate that has drawn colonists. This depiction aligns better with its moon, Selcaron. Moreover, Rebellion incorrectly locates Selaggis VI in the "Quelli sector," a misspelling of the correct Quelii sector.