The Ambush at Gravan Seven represents a significant event within the context of the Galactic Civil War. During this incident, the forces under the command of Warlord Zsinj launched a surprise attack on Talon Squadron, a New Republic squadron piloting X-wing starfighter, nearly annihilating it.
Operating under the assumed identity of Chyan Mezzine, Imperial Intelligence operative Gara Petothel successfully infiltrated the New Republic Defense Force Fleet Command. She did this by masquerading as an intelligence operative and code slicer from the New Republic Intelligence Service. While stationed on the New Republic frigate named Mother Sea, she introduced fabricated information indicating that the Gravan system was under New Republic control. In addition to this, she transmitted substantial intelligence to Admiral Apwar Trigit, which encompassed details about the recently established Talon Squadron. This information enabled Trigit to orchestrate an ambush effectively.
The Talons, in pursuit of what appeared to be a solitary TIE Interceptor without a hyperspace-capable vessel nearby, were unwittingly led into a trap. They found themselves facing a gauntlet of over three dozen TIE starfighters positioned over Gravan Seven. Only Brevet Captain Myn Donos and Talon Twelve managed to survive the initial barrage of laser fire. A brief aerial battle then unfolded, with both Donos and Talon Twelve being pursued by approximately a dozen TIE fighters each. Donos successfully shot down three of his adversaries, while Talon Twelve's X-wing sustained minor damage. The situation escalated when the lone TIE Interceptor, which had lured them into the ambush, reappeared. Approaching closely, Donos identified the pilot as a member of the 181st Imperial Fighter Wing. As the Interceptor pilot attempted to acquire a targeting lock on Talon Twelve, Donos swiftly maneuvered to position himself behind the enemy fighter. Both pilots fired simultaneously, with Donos's shot crippling the Interceptor's engines, forcing it to disengage. However, the Interceptor's counterfire caused Talon Twelve's X-wing to disintegrate. The canopy of Talon Twelve's X-wing malfunctioned, preventing her from ejecting successfully. She was unconscious when her ejection seat ultimately collided with a rift wall on the planet's surface. Overwhelmed by the loss of his entire squadron, Donos contemplated sacrificing himself as well, but ultimately decided that the families of his fallen comrades deserved to know the circumstances of their deaths. He successfully survived the encounter and reported the events to his superiors.
Following the successful ambush, Gara Petothel departed from her previous assignment and was reassigned by Trigit to serve as his data analyst aboard the Implacable. New Republic Intelligence uncovered her true identity as an agent of Imperial Intelligence and subsequently disseminated bulletins regarding her. Talon Squadron was officially disbanded, and Myn Donos suffered profound psychological trauma as a result of the ordeal. Training simulations replicating the ambush scenario were developed to prevent similar incidents from occurring to other squadrons.