"Talon Twelve" was the designation used for a pilot of the female gender. She piloted an X-wing starfighter and her call sign was associated with her role in Talon Squadron, a unit within the New Republic Starfighter Command.
In what was supposed to be a straightforward assignment, Talon Squadron was tasked with tracking a single TIE Interceptor within a system under New Republic control. However, the squadron was ambushed by a larger force under the command of the Warlord Zsinj. After the initial attack, only "Talon Twelve" and Captain Myn Donos, who held the rank of Brevet, remained alive. She was chased by twelve TIE Fighters and sustained some damage. The TIE Interceptor they had been tracking, which Donos discovered belonged to the 181st Imperial Fighter Group, unexpectedly reappeared just as they were preparing to disengage. The Interceptor's laser fire severely damaged her starfighter's engines, prompting Donos to order her to eject. However, the fighter's canopy malfunctioned, and she was violently thrown against it by the force of the ejection seat. When the canopy finally opened, she was already unconscious, and she met her death when she was ejected into a rift wall.