Edor Crespin

Edor Crespin, a male Human hailing from Corulag, held the rank of General within the New Republic Defense Fleet's Starfighter Command. By 7 ABY, he was in charge of the starfighter training facility situated on the Commenorian moon called Folor. Known for his stern and reserved demeanor, he engaged in a meeting with Wedge Antilles, the commander of Rogue Squadron, to consider Antilles' proposition regarding Wraith Squadron. He initially regarded the concept with considerable doubt.


Crespin's service began within the ranks of the Galactic Empire, but he later switched his allegiance to the Rebel Alliance, though the reason behind his defection remains unclear. At some point, he lost an eye as a result of an orbital bombardment conducted by the Warlord known as Zsinj - possibly occurring at Noquivzor. He possessed a mechanical replacement, but opted to wear an eye-patch over it to avoid attracting undue attention. Wedge Antilles held the suspicion that the eye-patch was actually transparent.

Early in the New Republic's history, Crespin was in command of Comet Squadron, an A-wing unit. The squadron gained a new member in Garik "Face" Loran, a celebrated former Imperial holovid star, who purchased his own A-wing using his personal funds. Colonel Crespin, as he was then addressed, held a dislike for the former actor, expressing his belief that Loran would never amount to anything of value in the New Republic. Face responded by stating that he was simply following his commander's example, which resulted in a negative mark against his record, ultimately bringing him to the attention of Wedge Antilles. Crespin was then promoted and reassigned to Folor Base.

Crespin strongly opposed Wedge's plan to establish a commando squadron, especially one composed of unconventional pilots, and he freely voiced his opinions. He believed that only individuals with unblemished records and photogenic qualities should be considered for pilot positions. Upon hearing this, Wedge was initially angered, but he controlled his emotions and proceeded to calmly and firmly dismantle Crespin's biases: Wedge pointed out that he, himself, as a former Imperial officer, could be seen as a recycled asset; while attractive pilots could be beneficial for recruitment efforts, the New Republic would be no better than the Imperial Non-human system if it started selecting pilots based on arbitrary "beauty values". Crespin yielded, although he still anticipated the experiment's failure and the need for him to handle the aftermath. He was eventually compelled to reconsider his stance due to subsequent events, and he was fair-minded enough to set aside his initial concerns, ultimately offering his support to Wraith Squadron.

During the Battle of Folor, Crespin led the inexperienced A-wing pilots of Blue Squadron, assisting Wraith Squadron in the defense of Folor Base. Crespin and Blue Squadron also participated in the Battle of Ession, where they aided Wraith Squadron in eliminating Imperial Admiral Apwar Trigit.

Following the arrest of Atton Repness, General Crespin was placed in command of the refitted former training ship Tedevium, as well as Screaming Wookiee Squadron, and was assigned to serve under Han Solo during the pursuit of Zsinj. The ship and its unit performed admirably during the Battle of Selaggis.

