Wing Commander Varth, a Commander in charge of the starfighter wing within the Atrivis sector, piloted an X-wing. He is a figure from Legends.
During the Galactic Civil War, Varth, a male Human pilot of starfighters, served in the Alliance Starfighter Corps. He held the rank of Wing Commander and was stationed at Generis base, which served as the headquarters for the Alliance to Restore the Republic's Atrivis Sector Force. In this role, he commanded all starfighters within the sector. Varth's position within the Atrivis sector command structure was somewhat ambiguous. He reported to the local Commander-in-Chief, Travia Chan, concerning offensive actions. However, he was also responsible to Alliance Sector Command for the defense of the Outer Rim Command Center. Furthermore, Starfighter Command held authority over Varth for joint operations involving starfighters from other sectors.
Officially, Varth's command was supplied with a complete fighter wing of thirty-six starfighters. However, the operational reality was that only approximately eighteen were available for deployment at any given time. Six fighters were required to be fully armed and ready for immediate launch to defend the base and the Outer Rim Communications Center. Additionally, Flights of starfighters were frequently detached from Atrivis by Starfighter Command for use in other operations. Varth's command also faced challenges due to inadequate maintenance resources and a shortage of skilled pilots.
By 7 ABY, Pash Cracken commanded Cracken Flight Group as part of Varth's command. While the majority of the New Republic Defense Fleet were engaged in the hunt for Warlord Zsinj, Varth and his unit were redeployed coreward, using Folor, a moon of Commenor, as a staging point to safeguard sectors previously targeted by Zsinj.
In 9 ABY, Varth was back in the Atrivis sector during Grand Admiral Mitth'raw'nuruodo's assault on Generis. Although the Imperials seized the Outer Rim Comm Center, Cracken and General Kryll successfully evacuated Travia Chan and her staff. Varth's fate following the battle remained uncertain. Cracken hoped that he managed to break through the assault and link up with units at either Fedje or Ketaris.
Varth possessed a bitter disposition, characterized by taciturnity and strict discipline. Although disliked by the pilots under his command, they respected him due to his exceptional skills as a soldier and commander. His tactical abilities consistently ensured their survival and victory against overwhelming odds.
Varth received training in the use of blaster weaponry and unarmed combat. Furthermore, he possessed knowledge of bureaucratic procedures, alien languages, and star systems. As a proficient pilot, Varth could also plot courses through hyperspace, operate weapons systems and deflector shield systems on larger ships, and conduct repairs and maintenance on starfighters. His exceptional tactical skills in starfighter combat enabled his pilots to survive and achieve victory even when facing unfavorable odds. Varth also received training in survival techniques, computer programming and repair, first aid administration, and bypassing security systems.
Varth was equipped with a standard-issue Alliance flight suit, a blaster pistol, and a comlink.