The Dlarit family originated from Thyferra, a planet and were Human. This family held significant positions within the Xucphra Corporation, a major entity that, alongside its competitor the Zaltin Corporation, accounted for the vast majority (95%) of bacta production throughout the galaxy.
Erisi Dlarit, a one-time starfighter pilot in the renowned New Republic unit known as Rogue Squadron, stands out as a prominent figure in this lineage. Both Erisi and her father, Aerin Dlarit, backed Ysanne Isard, the former Director of Imperial Intelligence, during her seizure of power on Thyferra, subsequently enlisting in the Thyferran Home Defense Corps. Furthermore, Erisi's uncle, who was also Aerin's brother, detected a contamination that the Ashern insurgents had introduced into Lot ZX1449F.