The central point of activity within the Imperial Palace on Coruscant was the Grand Corridor, also known as the Grand Reception Hall.
This massive concourse, the Grand Corridor, encircled the Coruscant Imperial Palace. It provided connections to the Palace's key sections through hallways and turbolifts. The hall, envisioned by Emperor Palpatine, was constructed as a central hub for the numerous functionaries and dignitaries of the Galactic Empire.
Following the New Republic's liberation of Coruscant and the removal of the Imperials, the new government seized the Palace and transformed it into their primary governmental headquarters. Unknown to the Republic's leaders, Delta Source, Palpatine's clandestine intelligence network which he had long used to monitor his own citizens, remained operational. Once the Republic discovered the information leak, they swiftly removed the ch'hala trees that facilitated the data transmission, restoring the Palace's security.
During the New Republic's governance, the Grand Corridor remained intact until the Yuuzhan Vong's invasion of Coruscant. The Palace was ultimately destroyed when Chief of State Borsk Fey'lya triggered a large explosion on its upper levels, causing debris to fall upon the Corridor.
The Grand Corridor, a vast hall that encompassed the first few levels of the Palace, was characterized by carved black stone and red-tinted cutglass windows. Accessible to the public and serving as the Palace's central hub, the Corridor was spacious enough to house a Victory Star Destroyer and was personally conceptualized by Emperor Palpatine. Cafes and beverage stands were situated along the ground level and on upper balconies overlooking the hall's inner walls. Groves of ch'hala trees were planted along the walls, ostensibly for decoration but in reality, they were a crucial component of Palpatine's clandestine intelligence network, Delta Source. The trees' vibration-sensitive bark transmitted data to a secret location, where conversations within the hall were deciphered, and any sensitive information or conspiracies were relayed back to the Emperor.