Inyri Forge, hailing from Kessel, was a Kesselian female human. During 7 ABY, when the New Republic dispatched Rogue Squadron to Kessel for the purpose of releasing imprisoned members of Black Sun, Forge accompanied her love interest, Zekka Thyne. Thyne and his fellow rogues were tasked with assisting Rogue Squadron in preparing Coruscant for an impending New Republic invasion, operating from the Coruscant underworld. Despite the recent death of her sister Lujayne while serving with the Rogues, Inyri eventually warmed up to the pilots. Together, they facilitated the galactic capital's preparation for its liberation from the clutches of the Empire.
Following the planet's securing by the New Republic, Forge became a member of Rogue Squadron. Soon after, the entire squadron collectively resigned their positions to pursue Ysanne Isard throughout the duration of the Bacta War. After Isard's defeat, the Rogues were welcomed back without reservation. They subsequently joined the Solo Fleet for their subsequent significant endeavor: the hunt for Warlord Zsinj. She also participated as a pilot in the Battle of Bilbringi which brought the Thrawn campaign of 9 ABY to its conclusion. Following this, she took part in the subsequent strike targeting the Ciutric Hegemony, where Rogue Squadron allied with Isard to eliminate her clone.
During the invasion of the galaxy by the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong in 25 ABY, Forge held the rank of major within Rogue Squadron and commanded Two Flight. The Yuuzhan Vong's coralskippers inflicted devastating losses on the Rogues, but Forge managed to survive major engagements at Dantooine and Ithor before the eventual defeat of the enemy. In 43 ABY, she reunited with some former comrades on a mission with the purpose of rescuing the Calrissian-Nunb Mines on her homeworld of Kessel from a string of puzzling groundquakes.
Inyri Forge, a female Human, was born on Kessel, the daughter of Kassar and Myda Forge. Kassar, a teacher, chose to serve on Kessel through a Galactic Republic initiative that aimed to provide education to inmates to facilitate their reintegration into society upon release. Her mother was one of his student prisoners who fell in love with him and decided to remain with him on Kessel.
Inyri Forge had several siblings, including Lujayne, all of whom were alive and residing on Kessel as of 6.5 ABY. In that year, Lujayne became a member of the New Republic's restructured Rogue Squadron, but she was killed by Imperial stormtoopers during a raid on the Rogues' Talasea base. In 7 ABY, as the New Republic Provisional Council planned an offensive against the Imperial capital of Coruscant, they resolved to release certain high-profile prisoners to instigate chaos within the heart of Imperial City.

Among these prisoners was Zekka Thyne of the Black Sun syndicate. Forge, his "glitterstim cutter" and lover, accompanied Zekka. Forge, having been born on Kessel rather than sent there, was not a criminal. She insisted on remaining with Thyne, even when the squadron offered her assistance. As the undercover mission progressed, however, Forge began to reconsider her allegiance to Thyne, particularly after an incident in which they came under fire and he fled to save himself, while Rogue Squadron member Gavin Darklighter came to her rescue.
The situation reached a climax when Thyne attempted to murder the Rogue Corran Horn, whom he blamed for his imprisonment on Kessel. Forge intervened, shooting and killing Thyne before he could succeed. Having proven her worth, Forge aided the Rogues during the Liberation of Coruscant and was formally inducted into the squadron during the subsequent celebration. Although she was a political appointee, Rogue Leader Wedge Antilles would have happily recruited her regardless.
When Ysanne Isard, the leader of the Empire, abandoned Coruscant and established a base on Thyferra, the New Republic declined to interfere in the planet's internal affairs. Many members of Rogue Squadron resigned their commissions to pursue Isard, and Forge was among them. Antilles's Rogues prosecuted the Bacta War against Isard, ultimately achieving victory over her. Upon their return to Coruscant, the New Republic welcomed them back, informing them that their mission had been retroactively deemed an officially sanctioned operation. The Rogues then joined the Solo Fleet in the hunt for Warlord Zsinj; operating from the Mon Remonda, they collaborated with Antilles's new Wraith Squadron during the months-long campaign. Their final strike on Zsinj's Iron Fist Star Destroyer dealt a significant blow to the warlord, and General Han Solo delivered the killing strike in 8 ABY.
Forge remained with the Rogues for several years, engaging in combat against the Empire's Grand Admiral Thrawn in 9 ABY. The Rogues participated in the Battle of Bilbringi, which resulted in Thrawn's death and the collapse of his confederation. Immediately afterward, Rogue Squadron was thrust into the Ciutric campaign against Warlord Delak Krennel. During that operation, she was a member of Requiem Squadron, disguised as "Inyon Fass," characterized by bright red hair and identified as the sister of Teekon Fass. The Rogues found themselves reluctantly partnering with Ysanne Isard to combat her clone, and while she ultimately betrayed them, the campaign concluded with the deaths of both Isard incarnations.
Later in her career, Forge attained the rank of major and continued to serve with the squadron well into the Yuuzhan Vong War. By 25 ABY, she had become a trusted Rogue veteran. Under the leadership of Rogue Leader Gavin Darklighter, she flew as Rogue Five, commanding Two Flight. The Yuuzhan Vong's coralskipper fighter craft, employing their dovin basal vortices to generate miniature black holes and absorb enemy laser blasts, inflicted heavy casualties on the Rogues. Nevertheless, Forge and her comrades persevered in the Battle of Dantooine and the Battle of Kalarba. The invaders were finally defeated in 29 AY, and Forge, having retired by 43 ABY, joined a group of friends that year on a mission to rescue the Calrissian-Nunb Mines on Kessel from a series of devastating groundquakes.