The clash known as the Battle of Kalarba involved forces of the New Republic and the Empire of the Hand fighting against the Praetorite Vong. This conflict resulted in the annihilation of both Kalarba and its lunar satellite, Hosk Station, due to the implementation of the Yo'gand's Core strategy, a maneuver previously executed at Sernpidal.
The Yuuzhan Vong launched an offensive against Kalarba and Hosk Station with the goal of disrupting the Corellian Run. As the battle unfolded, the Yuuzhan Vong implemented the Yo'gand Core strategy, employing a Dovin basal to manipulate Hosk Station, setting it on a direct path to collide with Kalarba. As a reaction, the New Republic initiated the evacuation of the inhabitants of both celestial bodies. Thankfully, a significant number of individuals were rescued prior to the ultimate destruction of the planet and station.
In the midst of the space engagement, Lieutenant Jaina Solo, fighting alongside Rogue Squadron and their Chiss counterparts, confronted the Yuuzhan Vong fleet. Subsequently, the Yuuzhan Vong directed their attack towards the New Republic's flagship, the Bothan Assault Cruiser named Champion. Despite Jaina's efforts to defend the vessel, the Yuuzhan Vong succeeded in its destruction. The resulting explosion obliterated Jaina Solo's X-wing, although she managed to eject and was eventually rescued. Unfortunately, she sustained injuries that caused temporary blindness. Following this event, Jaina was granted medical leave and transferred to Duro.