Myda Forge, a Human female, was once a convict sentenced to hard labor within the spice mines of Kessel. While serving her sentence, she transformed her life and became an educator in a Galactic Republic initiative on Kessel. This program aimed to prepare inmates for reintegration into society after their release. Furthermore, she was the mother of Lujayne and Inyri Forge, both of whom would later serve as pilots in Rogue Squadron.
During her time as a prisoner on the infamous world of Kessel, Myda encountered Kassar Forge, an instructor whose goal was to rehabilitate inmates, preventing their return to criminal activity after their release.
Although the specifics of her past offenses remain unclear, Myda underwent a transformation and developed a romantic relationship with Kassar. They married, and despite Kessel not being her preferred place of residence, she chose to remain with her husband and contribute to the teaching program.
They remained on Kessel for the remainder of their lives, declining all opportunities to leave, including an offer made by Commander Wedge Antilles in 6.5 ABY. Antilles was freeing prominent prisoners to aid in disrupting Imperial operations on Coruscant in the months leading up to its liberation.
Kassar and Myda had numerous children, the majority of whom continued to reside on Kessel with them. Among their offspring were Lujayne and Inyri, both of whom would eventually become pilots within Rogue Squadron, the New Republic Defense Force's elite starfighter squadron.
In 6.5 ABY, Myda and her family suffered a devastating loss when her daughter, Lujayne, was murdered in her sleep by Imperial stormtroopers during a surprise clandestine raid on Talasea.
She was also deeply concerned when her younger daughter, Inyri, became involved with Zekka Thyne, a dangerous Black Sun criminal, becoming his "glitterstim [cutter](/article/cutter]" and lover. Inyri insisted on leaving Kessel with him when Wedge selected Zekka to be taken to Coruscant.
Myda strongly disapproved of the relationship, even more so than her husband. She pleaded with Wedge to separate the two when he took Zekka, asserting that she had witnessed people become prisoners due to such poor choices. However, Kassar insisted that Inyri had to be allowed to make her own decisions, much like the inmates he taught were allowed to forge their own paths after their release.