Laryn Kre'fey, a Caucasian Bothan, held officer ranks within both the Alliance and the New Republic Armies. Despite being hailed as the most prominent Bothan military figure of his era, his ascent was primarily fueled by Bothan political machinations rather than genuine skill.
Kre'fey harbored ambitions of leading the liberation effort on Coruscant. However, his deficient planning and inadequate intelligence during the First Battle of Borleias led to catastrophic consequences for the New Republic, ultimately resulting in his own demise.
Despite lacking significant tactical or strategic aptitude, Kre'fey was nonetheless esteemed as a military officer in both the Alliance and the New Republic. His position was sustained by the political influence wielded by the Bothans. Speculation suggested a distant familial connection to Borsk Fey'lya, a powerful Bothan figure who served on the Provisional Council.
The Bothans sought to capitalize on the momentum generated by their spies' discovery of the Second Death Star plans to elevate a Bothan to a commanding military role. Laryn, on his part, aspired to attain a rank that would rival or surpass the power and prestige of Mon Calamari Admiral Ackbar.
Following the evacuation of Ciutric, General Laryn Kre'fey utilized the Emancipator as his flagship in an attempt to reclaim Ciutric from Prince-Admiral Krennel.
Two years following the Battle of Endor, the New Republic's Provisional Council decided to prioritize the capture of Coruscant. Kre'fey devised an invasion plan for the planet Borleias, designated Blackmoon, as an initial step, hoping that a successful outcome would grant him command of the Coruscant operation.
Borleias's proximity to the Galactic Core led to the Council's approval of the plan. However, several officers, including Commander Wedge Antilles, General Horton Salm, and Admiral Ackbar, voiced serious concerns regarding the plan, citing insufficient preparation time and a lack of intelligence about the planet. Wedge also believed the plan relied too heavily on space-based bombardment, rather than a more effective ground assault strategy, similar to the Imperial tactics used during the Battle of Hoth. Despite these reservations, Kre'fey's plan was permitted to proceed.
The initial assault on Borleias proved to be a calamitous failure for the New Republic. General Evir Derricote, the Imperial installation commander on the planet, had concealed reserves that were unknown to both the New Republic and his superiors within the Empire, enabling him to easily repel the attack.
Kre'fey committed several further tactical errors during the battle. He refrained from using the Star Destroyer Emancipator to target TIE launch facilities, fearing damage to the base he intended to seize. He also directed Wedge's Rogue Squadron to escort assault shuttles carrying New Republic infantry to the planet instead of Salm's Defender Wing Y-wing bomber squadron, which was better suited for the task, claiming that waiting for Defender Wing would cause an "unnecessary delay."
Kre'fey accompanied his troops aboard one of these assault shuttles and was killed when it was struck by an ion beam and crashed into a shield, making him one of the initial casualties of the disastrous battle.