The Imperial Customs Frigate served as a primary vessel for the Imperial Customs Office's patrol operations.
This Imperial Customs Frigate was constructed by Rendili StarDrive, who also built the larger Light corvette that the Customs Office utilized. Although it was slower, smaller, and less resilient when compared to the Light Corvette or the Guardian-class light cruiser produced by Sienar Fleet Systems, it needed a smaller crew, and its six powerful laser cannons delivered significantly more firepower at close ranges.
Just like other ships employed by Imperial Customs, it could engage most smugglers' light freighters, the forces of minor pirates, and even Rebel starfighters in combat. However, it was no match for capital ships, which generally required the involvement of the Imperial Navy.
At one point during Roark Garnet's time as a captain, the Customs Frigate known as the Assessor took notice of the Dorion Discus freighter. The Discus ignored the order to power down its engines and attempted to flee. After firing a warning shot, the frigate commenced firing upon the freighter, but the freighter jumped into hyperspace.
While the Empire was the main user, the Customs Frigate was also sold to local governments for their own small fleets. One vessel, Battle of Yavin, was captured and subsequently used by the New Republic. Pirates also desired it, either capturing the vessel or acquiring illegal copies of the design manufactured in criminal shipyards. One such pirate ship was the Counter-Puncher, commanded by Tor Skylow and manned by Imperial deserters.

The initial statistics for the Imperial Customs Frigate were introduced in the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. Later, these stats were reassigned to the Guardian-class light cruiser, and the frigate received a new set of stats.