Rhysati Ynr, a Human female hailing from Bespin, distinguished herself as a skilled starfighter pilot within the New Republic Defense Force. She served with distinction in Rogue Squadron during their conflict with Imperial Intelligence Director Ysanne Isard.
Originally, Rhysati Ynr was a Human female native to Bespin. Circumstances dictated her family's departure from their planet due to the actions of the Empire, leading them to seek refuge and a new beginning with the Rebel Alliance. Possessing an innate talent for piloting, her entry into the renowned starfighter unit, Rogue Squadron, was practically assured. Commander Wedge Antilles personally recruited her when he undertook the task of rebuilding the Rogues from scratch in 6.5 ABY. Her ambition was simple: to dedicate her time to becoming the squadron's best pilot.
Ynr developed strong social bonds with her fellow Rogues, including individuals like Corran Horn, Ooryl Qrygg, and Nawara Ven. While she initially expressed a lack of interest in romantic pursuits, she eventually entered into a relationship with Ven. Rogue Squadron underwent intensive training under Antilles's guidance for a month at Folor Base before Admiral Ackbar of the New Republic officially activated them. Ynr served under the call sign Rogue Seven. Her first official mission saw her leading Two Flight into the Morobe system, but the mission devolved into a battle when an Imperial Interdictor cruiser, the Black Asp, unexpectedly pulled them out of hyperspace.

After the Rogues engaged and destroyed several TIE interceptors, the cruiser retreated. The squadron's next action took place in the Hensara system, where they successfully rescued the crew of the New Republic frigate, the Battle of Yavin. One and Two Flights eliminated Imperial ground forces within the atmosphere of Hensara III. Tragedy struck when Ynr's fellow Rogue, Lujayne Forge, was killed in her sleep during a raid on their base on Talasea by stormtroopers. Ynr joined her comrades at Forge's memorial service held aboard the medical frigate Reprieve.
Following his impetuous actions during a strike on Vladet, Horn was confined to quarters. Ynr, Ven, and fellow Rogue Erisi Dlarit visited him. Ynr expressed her gratitude for his actions, which had resulted in the destruction of the Lancer-class frigate Ravager, potentially saving numerous Rogues' X-wings from destruction. Later, the Rogues captured Borleias from the Empire in a follow-up strike after a failed first attempt. Ynr piloted one of the six X-wings available for the dangerous attack. She assisted in destroying enemy TIE fighters while Antilles and Horn destroyed one of the Imperial base's power conduits.
When Rogue Squadron pursued the Vengeance Derra IV, a Dwarf Star-class freighter belonging to the forces of the Imperial Warlord Zsinj, to Mrisst, Ynr flew with Dlarit and Horn in One Flight under Captain Aril Nunb. The four of them took care of TIE fighters and interceptors while Two Flight used proton torpedoes to disable the shields of Vengeance Derra IV. Rogue Squadron was then deployed to Imperial-controlled Coruscant to disable its planetary shields, but only after traveling to Kessel to release a group of prisoners to assist them. While Antilles, Horn, and Ven negotiated the prisoners' release, the majority of the Rogues provided cover for a landing zone.
Inside Coruscant's Azure Dianoga Cantina, Ynr nearly jeopardized the undercover Rogues' mission when she reacted strongly to a stormtrooper's xenophobia directed at Ven, who was a Twi'lek. However, a sudden communication received by the trooper in his helmet averted the situation. Ultimately, the squadron utilized an orbital mirror control center to generate a lightning storm that brought down the shields. Ynr, Horn, Dlarit, fellow Rogue Pash Cracken, and their allies Inyri Forge and Asyr Sei'lar flew cover in Z-95 Headhunters. The Imperial capital was subsequently conquered by New Republic forces with minimal resistance. However, Horn was presumed dead, and the Rogues' Executive officer, Tycho Celchu, was suspected of his murder.
In early 7 ABY, despite the New Republic's control of the galactic capital, the trial of Tycho Celchu cast a shadow over the Rogues' celebrations. The deadly Krytos virus was also devastating every non-human species on the planet. Consequently, Rogue Squadron was assigned the task of stealing bacta, a crucial healing agent, from Warlord Zsinj at the Yag-prime space station. They launched alongside the Y-wings of Defender Wing, with Ynr now flying as Rogue Three. Her and Dlarit's objective was to draw enemy TIEs away from the station, allowing Antilles and the new Rogue Seilar to eliminate them. The bacta was successfully secured.
The Rogues' next objective was Ryloth, where they were to acquire the spice ryll kor after the New Republic Provisional Council discovered its potential in combating the virus's effects. Ryll Kor and bacta were later synthesized into rylca, a legitimate cure for the Krytos virus. This occurred after Ynr and the Rogues' failure to obtain more bacta in the Alderaan system, where Zsinj's Super Star Destroyer Iron Fist intercepted them and destroyed the transports of the Xucphra Corporation carrying the bacta. Rogue Squadron's consolation prize was the cruiser Termagant, abandoned by Zsinj.

When the New Republic received intelligence about a planned attack on a bacta storage facility by the Palpatine Counter-Insurgency Front, a terrorist cell operating on Coruscant, Rogue Squadron mobilized to provide cover for a commando force. Most of the Rogues maintained a low profile over Imperial City, while Ynr and Dlarit ascended to the level of the floating skyhooks to prevent any enemy escape. The terrorists' airspeeders and AT-STs were swiftly dealt with, but amidst the chaos, the Super Star Destroyer Lusankya unexpectedly emerged from Coruscant's cityscape.
It was revealed that Ysanne Isard had concealed herself beneath the planet's surface instead of fleeing offworld when the New Republic arrived. Corran Horn was also alive, having been held in the Lusankya's namesake prison. He managed to escape before Isard's ship broke free from its hiding place. He interrupted Celchu's trial to declare him innocent of his murder. Meanwhile, Ynr and the remaining Rogues witnessed Isard and her massive Star Destroyer escape the New Republic's grasp. Ynr's wingmate Erisi Dlarit also joined Isard, revealing herself as a spy within Rogue Squadron. Without the double agent, the Rogues conducted various pursuit and cover missions against remaining Palpatine Counter-Insurgency Front cells over the following days.
Despite the Lusankya's escape, a ceremony was held to welcome back Horn and publicly exonerate Celchu. Mon Mothma, the New Republic's Chief of State, presented Rogue Squadron with the Coruscant Star of Valor, a newly established award intended to be the military's highest honor. However, the pilots were unimpressed when they learned that the New Republic would not pursue Isard to her new power base on Thyferra, a major bacta-producing center, to avoid interfering in the planet's internal politics. In response, they promptly resigned their commissions, with Ynr eagerly adding her name to the list on behalf of herself and Ven.
The now-independent group of Antilles's Rogues received assistance from various allies and enthusiastic private citizens, operating from the Yag-prime space station as they waged the Bacta War against Isard. Their initial actions involved two separate raids on bacta convoys. The first raid occurred in the Chorax system, and the second in a system with a red dwarf. During the latter engagement, Ynr and Inyri Forge, now flying as Rogues Five and Six, escorted the Bacta Tanker Xucphra Meander to Coruscant after it surrendered to the combined forces of Rogue Squadron and twelve Twi'lek Chir'daki fighters, the latest converts to Antilles's cause.
Isard retaliated to the raids by destroying a colony on Halanit to which the Rogues had diverted some of her bacta, prompting a change in the squadron's tactics. After striking bacta-producing facilities on Qretu 5, they launched a series of hit-and-fade attacks on the Bacta Cartel. While on Yag-prime, Ynr and Ven spent most of their time together. However, in the field, the Rogues narrowly survived an ambush by Isard's forces in the Alderaan Graveyard. Ynr was later called upon to join a mission to Elshandruu Pica, where the Rogues convinced Sair Yonka, Captain of Isard's Star Destroyer Avarice, to defect to their cause.

Ynr, along with Antilles, Horn, Darklighter, Qrygg, and Qrygg's Gand ally Vviir Wiamdi, traveled to Yonka's cottage near the Picavil spaceport. While she and Horn secured one side of the building, Antilles and Darklighter entered through the back to present their proposal to Yonka. Enraged by the defection, Isard initiated a program to round up and execute thirty thousand of Thyferra's native Vratix, whose Ashern commandos were actively resisting her regime. Antilles realized it was time for the final move, and the first step was to reveal Yag-prime as the Rogues' secret base to Isard.
To achieve this, he dispatched Ynr, Horn, Darklighter, and Forge, along with their ally Mirax Terrik in her Pulsar Skate, to escort an arms delivery from the smuggler Talon Karrde to the station. A spy within Karrde's organization relayed this information to Isard. Ynr and the other Rogues scanned Karrde's convoy for life-forms to ensure there were no hidden Imperial troops, and then provided their escort. Antilles later gathered his pilots for a briefing, informing them of the imminent arrival of Isard's forces.
As soon as Isard's Lusankya and Virulence arrived, Antilles's forces abandoned Yag-prime, relocating to Thyferra aboard the Avarice. Ynr and the other pilots dogfought the TIE fighters of the Thyferran Home Defense Corps while Antilles's capital ships engaged the Lusankya, which had left its own TIE complement at Yag-prime alongside the captured Virulence. Between waves of enemy fighters, the Rogues joined the attack runs on the Lusankya, bombarding it with proton torpedoes and concussion missiles, including those launched from their freighters that were slaved to the X-wings' telemetry.
The battle turned in their favor when the captured Virulence arrived, carrying three squadrons of Pash Cracken's A-wings. Both Isard and Erisi Dlarit were presumed dead while attempting to escape the planet. Aboard the Lusankya, Antilles inquired if his pilots wished to return to the New Republic, and Ynr quickly agreed. However, Ven had lost the use of his leg during the battle and decided to become the Rogues' new Executive Officer instead of continuing to fly an X-wing. Upon Rogue Squadron's return to Coruscant, their twelve X-wings were greeted in the sky by another twelve, led by Rogue veteran Derek "Hobbie" Klivian, claiming to be the real Rogue Squadron.
As Klivian's pilots escorted Antilles's Rogues down to Imperial Plaza, both squadrons engaged in aerial maneuvers, attempting to surpass each other and impress the spectators below and those watching on the HoloNet. Upon disembarking, the Rogues were met with confetti, cheerful New Republic diplomats, and enthusiastic cheers from the crowd. They were ushered onto a stage as Senator Leia Organa of the Provisional Council delivered a speech welcoming them back. The pilots learned that their resignations had been "creatively misfiled," and the Bacta War was, retroactively, being officially sanctioned by New Republic High Command. Klivian's ersatz Rogue Squadron, meanwhile, had been assembled as a visible group of Rogues to boost morale.

That night, Rogues old and new celebrated with a lively party. Immediately afterward, Rogue Squadron was assigned to the next major New Republic campaign: the Hunt for Zsinj. Several months into the campaign, Ynr was no longer flying as a Rogue. By 9 ABY, she had married Ven and resigned from the squadron to start a family. That year, she and Ven attended a party for the Rogues organized by Admiral Ackbar upon their return to Coruscant after the end of the Thrawn campaign. The party was interrupted by the arrival of Urlor Sette, a prisoner from Lusankya who had been sent to deliver a taunting message to Corran Horn.
In 43 ABY, Ynr was summoned to Kessel by Lando Calrissian, who owned glitterstim mines on the rocky planet. They joined a group of retired pilots at the Calrissian-Nunb Mines to hear the plan of action: navigate the mines in their starfighters and place explosives throughout the caves, which, when detonated, would stop a series of groundquakes threatening to destroy the entire planet.
Ynr flew an Eta-5 interceptor during the operation, which was armed with missiles by Inyri Forge's great-nephew Drathan. During the mission, while her interceptor was being reloaded, Ynr spoke with Antilles and offered to exchange fighters with the interested general. He accepted, and Ynr took over flying his X-wing. The operation was a success, and two days later, its participants gathered in the mines' main cafeteria to celebrate.
Rhysati Ynr is a character conceived by Michael A. Stackpole and introduced in his 1996 novel X-Wing: Rogue Squadron. She held a significant role in the first four books of the X-Wing series, but received minimal mention in later Star Wars reference books that highlighted the Rogues' adventures. Notably, she was absent from the Star Wars Insider 59 article Who's Who in Rogue Squadron, published in 2002, and her only official depiction originates from the Japanese edition of Rogue Squadron.