
The Elders of Gand dispatched a Gand observer, known as a ruetsavii, to assess Gand individuals who displayed particularly heroic actions. If the ruetsavii determined that a Gand merited recognition, they would undergo the janwuine-jika rite and potentially receive the Gand findsman title. According to Gand linguistic conventions, these findsmen could then use first-person pronouns without causing offense or appearing arrogant, as their elevated status and the title of janwuine would make their identity universally known among the Gand.

During the Thyferran campaign of 7 ABY, a group of three ruetsavii were assigned to observe and document the actions of Ooryl Qrygg, a former member of ex-Rogues involved in the conflict, to evaluate his performance. Ooryl felt self-conscious due to the constant presence of these observers. Mirax Terrik also commented on the unusual sight of even a single Gand, much less three of the species, together.

These ruetsavii, each piloting a curious craft resembling a modified TIE/sa bomber with shortened solar panels and equipped with shields and hyperdrives, participated in numerous raids during the Bacta War and the subsequent Battle of Thyferra. Their involvement helped mitigate some of the losses sustained by Rogue Squadron and Tal'dira's Chir'daki Squadron at the hands of the Star Destroyer Corrupter.

Known ruetsavii

