Located within the Outer Rim, specifically in the Quence sector, was the planet Elshandruu Pica. It resided in the Elshandruu system.
Elshandruu Pica was renowned as a destination for health and wellness. It orbited with a red moon and a pair of white moons, and was also situated near an asteroid belt that pirates utilized as a base of operations.
Picavil served as its capital. Kina Margath owned and managed a collection of bars, casinos, and eateries within this city. Furthermore, Picavil featured a spaceport.
The hotel and resort Margrath's, was located in the City of Elshandruu City. The establishment gained notoriety across the galaxy when Tombat, the notorious thief, robbed it twice within 48 hours.
After Serv-O-Droid, Inc. declared bankruptcy, it continued to operate only nominally through a clearance outlet situated on Elshandruu Pica.
During the era of the Galactic Civil War, the planet was under the authority of Imperial Moff Riit Jandi. At one point, Captain Sair Yonka took the Imperial-class Star Destroyer called Avarice to Elshandruu Pica, where they engaged in combat with the pirates inhabiting the nearby asteroid belt. Later, he maintained a suite at the 27th Hour Social Club, using it as a secret meeting place with Aellyn, the Moff's wife.
While on Elshandruu Pica, Tev Driscull, a Corellian shipper of goods, had his Lantillian Short Hauler, the Nova Whisper, seized by the privateer known as Dharus.
During the events of the Bacta War, members of Rogue Squadron journeyed to Elshandruu Pica, seeking to persuade Sair Yonka to switch sides. He agreed, joining the New Republic in their fight against Ysanne Isard.