Kelbis Nu, a male Rodian with a connection to the Force, spent his formative years on Susevfi as part of the Jensaarai group. The Jensaarai were essentially forced to serve Leonia Tavira, a former Imperial Moff, who threatened the inhabitants of Susevfi with death if they refused. Nu was among a group of five Jensaarai dispatched to Courkrus with the mission to ambush Jedi Knight Corran Horn. This plan failed when Luke Skywalker intervened to aid Horn, resulting in Nu being rendered unconscious. Subsequently, Horn and Skywalker triumphed over the Jensaarai's leader, compelling Tavira to evacuate Susevfi. Later in life, Nu joined the ranks of the New Jedi Order. He participated in the Yuuzhan Vong War against the Yuuzhan Vong, but was later attacked and ultimately killed by the Peace Brigade, who were affiliated with the Yuuzhan Vong, on Eriadu in 26 ABY.
Growing up on Susevfi, Rodian Kelbis Nu was a member of the Jensaarai, a Sith-aligned organization. A female Saarai-kaar was at the helm of the Jensaarai, and she worked to expand its influence. Under her guidance, Nu constructed his own lightsaber with an orange blade and a suit of armor made from cortosis; the latter was considered the final test in a Jensaarai's training. Nu achieved the rank of Defender, and alongside four other Jensaarai Defenders, he was stationed on the Invidious, the Star Destroyer of former Moff Leonia Tavira, where he was tasked with detecting potential traps set for her. To ensure the Jensaarai's compliance, Tavira held the population of Susevfi hostage.

While Nu was in Tavira's service, she abducted the wife of Jedi Knight Corran Horn. Horn, seeking to find his wife, infiltrated one of Tavira's pirate squadrons, known as the Khuiumin Survivors. He then haunted the base, disguising himself as a Jedi Knight. Tavira dispatched Nu and four other Jensaarai to apprehend Horn. They located him on Courkrus and cornered him in an alley, immune to the Force illusions he created. Just as Kelbis and the other Jensaarai were about to engage Horn, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker arrived, guided by the Gand Ooryl Qrygg, and assisted Horn in fighting the Jensaarai. While three of the Jensaarai attacked Skywalker, Nu and another battled Horn. Horn swiftly defeated both of them, grabbing Nu's wrist and knocking him unconscious with a blow to the right side of his head from the pommel of his lightsaber.
Using a ysalamir to disrupt the Jensaarai's connection to the Force, and with Skywalker's presence serving as a deterrent, Horn interrogated Nu and the other Jensaarai. They revealed their origins and the location of the Jensaarai base. While Skywalker and Horn journeyed to Susevfi to confront Tavira and rescue Horn's wife, the five Defenders, including Nu, were held on Courkrus under the custody of pirate Jacob Nive, within the Force-neutralizing field of a ysalamir. Horn and Skywalker succeeded in defeating the Jensaarai and persuading their leader, the Saarai-kaar, that the Jedi were not the evil figures they had been led to believe. Skywalker then invited the Jensaarai to join the Jedi and train at the Praxeum. Eventually, Kelbis Nu accepted this offer and became a Jedi Knight in the New Jedi Order.
As a Jedi Knight, Nu actively participated in the Yuuzhan Vong War. While monitoring Yuuzhan Vong fleet movements during a trip to Yag'Dhul Station, he uncovered the presence of the undercover Yuuzhan Vong agent Nom Anor. While fleeing, he was intercepted on the Outer Rim Territories planet Eriadu by members of the Peace Brigade, who were aligned with the Yuuzhan Vong. Nu was trapped in an alley by five Peace Brigade members; two were armed with blasters and three with stun batons.
Corran Horn, his former adversary and now fellow Jedi, was also present on Eriadu at the time, but his connection to Nu through the Force was too weak to offer assistance. However, the young Jedi Anakin Solo and Tahiri Veila were much closer and rushed to his aid. Despite their efforts to chase off the Peace Brigade thugs, one of them managed to shoot Nu before they arrived. With his dying breath, Kelbis managed to whisper to the young Jedi the Vong's next target—Yag'Dhul, the homeworld of the mathematical Givin. Although it cost him his life, this information was crucial in securing a victory for the Givin and the New Republic at the subsequent Battle of Yag'Dhul.
Nu possessed Force-sensitivity as a member of both the Jensaarai and later the Jedi Order. He was skilled enough to attain the rank of Jensaarai Defender and was later deemed worthy of becoming a Jedi Knight by Luke Skywalker. His Jensaarai training enabled him to resist the Force illusions that Corran Horn had previously used against him on Courkrus. Nu was proficient in lightsaber combat, but he was unable to defeat a heavily armed, five-member Peace Brigade team that was sent to assassinate him.
Greg Keyes created Kelbis Nu for a brief appearance in the novel The New Jedi Order: Edge of Victory II: Rebirth. Daniel Wallace later expanded on Nu's backstory in Who's Who in the New Jedi Order, an article featured in Star Wars Insider 57. This article identified Nu as the previously unnamed Rodian member of the Jensaarai from Michael A. Stackpole's I, Jedi, although Wallace mistakenly referred to Nu's first name as "Kubis." Dan Veesenmeyer and Russell Walks provided the illustrations for the Insider article, which serve as the only official depiction of the Jedi Knight.