
Illiet, a Givin Dodecian during the Yuuzhan Vong War, held the position of commander at Yag-prime, the space station that orbited Yag'Dhul. His exoskeleton was adorned with mathematical symbols, which signified his elevated status within the Givin society.

Corran Horn, along with Anakin Solo and Tahiri Veila, alerted Illiet to a clandestine scheme aimed at weakening Yag'Dhul's planetary defenses, setting the stage for a future invasion of the system. The conspiracy against the Body Calculus was foiled, yet Illiet seemed to be oblivious to the fact that one of his underlings was actually Nom Anor in disguise. After careful deliberation, Illiet and the Givin resolved to oppose the Yuuzhan Vong as they invaded their system during the Battle of Yag'Dhul. Fully cognizant that the space station was most likely facing its demise, he oversaw the evacuation of all non-essential staff and extended an offer to the Jedi to use a Givin vessel. He chose to stay on the station throughout the conflict. It is not certain if the Yuuzhan Vong annihilated the Yag'Dhul station before their retreat, but it sustained extensive damage during the combat.

