The Sluis Van Shipyards comprised a number of orbital shipbuilding installations that were positioned above the planet of Sluis Van.
This construction complex was widely regarded as the finest of its kind within the Outer Rim Territories. However, the Sluissi's view of shipbuilding as an art form (coupled with their complex bureaucratic processes) led to the shipyards being seen as some of the slowest shipyards across the galaxy.
At one point, the shipyards expanded to encompass an entire world, in a similar fashion to the Kuat Drive Yards Orbital Array and the Mon Calamari Orbital Shipyards of later eras.

During the early period of the New Republic, the Sluis Van Shipyards incorporated Sluis Van Orbit Dock V-475, a space dock made by Rendili StarDrive.
During the initial stages of the Thrawn crisis, the shipyards became the target of a significant Imperial raid to steal ships. This raid involved fifty-one mole miners that were taken from Lando Calrissian's mining operation, Nomad City, located on Nkllon, a planet rich in ore but extremely hot. Thrawn orchestrated a series of coordinated attacks to bring a large number of New Republic Defence Fleet's capital ships to the shipyards for repairs. After concentrating the ships in one place, he utilized the miners as improvised boarding craft to breach the hulls of the vessels, allowing boarding parties of stormtroopers and spacetroopers to enter. The plan initially appeared to be successful due to the element of surprise provided by the unconventional tactics.
However, the raid was ultimately foiled by the prompt actions of Han Solo and Lando Calrissian, who discerned Thrawn's strategy. Lando used his override codes to simultaneously activate the drills of the mole miners. This action depressurized the ship's bridges, eliminating most of the standard stormtroopers, while Wedge Antilles and the pilots of Rogue Squadron dealt with the spacetroopers. Despite being forced to withdraw, Thrawn considered the New Republic's victory to be a costly one.
In the years following the Thrawn crisis, the shipyards continued to thrive.