Battle of Sluis Van (Great Galactic War)

Shortly after the Sith Empire's resurgence in known space around 3681 BBY, a military offensive was initiated by Imperial forces against the Galactic Republic's territory on the planet of Sluis Van, situated within the Sluis sector. This confrontation marked one of the initial engagements of the Great Galactic War. This assault formed a component of the Sith Emperor's grand strategy, aimed at establishing control over the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories early in his campaign against the Republic. Spearheading the offensive was the Imperial Armada, which primarily targeted the Republic shipyards located in the sector. Imperial starfighters clashed with the shipyard's defensive systems, ultimately succeeding in obliterating the orbital station with minimal opposition from the Republic Military, as the galactic government was taken by surprise by the Sith's rapid incursion into the galaxy. After securing control of the world, the Sith systematically executed any Republic defenders and Sluis Van inhabitants who declined to pledge their loyalty to their Emperor.


The capture of the Tingel Arm was the first of the Empire's Outer Rim operations.

Around 3681 BBY, the re-established Sith Empire made its return to the known galaxy, instigating a conflict of immense scope against the Galactic Republic. Within this Great Galactic War, the Sith Emperor's initial objective involved securing the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories before considering any advancements toward the Republic's central regions in the Core Worlds. Launching their assault from the Unknown Regions, the Sith achieved several significant victories within the Tingel Arm, while the Republic struggled to formulate an adequate response. Eventually, the Republic Navy managed to organize an operation aimed at reclaiming the Tingel Arm, but they suffered defeat and were forced out of the region.

The battle

As the Republic fell into disarray following the loss of the Tingel Arm, the Empire pressed forward with its offensive. The Sith initiated an assault within the Sluis sector, with a specific focus on the Republic's starship-manufacturing facilities. The Imperial naval forces spearheaded the Empire's attack on the sector, prioritizing the shipyards that orbited the planet of Sluis Van in a ring-like formation and were completely undefended by Republic naval assets. Mark VI Supremacy-class starfighter squadrons from the Empire attacked these shipyards, which were only defended by stationary turbolaser batteries. The starfighters eventually bypassed the defenses, succeeding in shattering and destroying the ring structure that comprised the space station. Following their conquest of Sluis Van, the Sith proceeded to execute any civilian or government employee who refused to pledge their allegiance to the Sith Emperor, mirroring their actions on numerous other conquered worlds. Republic Military personnel were denied the option of surrender and were actively pursued and eliminated.


The Jedi Council and members of the Senate discuss the Sith advance.

In conjunction with the successful assault on the Sluis sector, the Empire orchestrated a blockade along the Rimma Trade Route and an incursion into the Minos Cluster. These occurrences, coupled with the loss of the Tingel Arm and the Jedi defeat on Korriban, prompted the Republic's leaders to convene an emergency session of the Galactic Senate to coordinate the galaxy's defense. The session quickly devolved into chaos, with senators and other politicians refusing to participate unless their respective worlds were prioritized for defense.

Meanwhile, the Sith continued their advance across the Outer Rim, solidifying a strong power base before commencing their push into the galactic core. The Empire achieved complete success in these objectives until the Republic secured its first major victories at Bothawui in 3671 BBY. During this era, the Kel Dor Jedi Knight Gnost-Dural maintained a journal documenting the early conflicts of the war, including the battle of Sluis Van. As a Jedi historian in the years following the Sith Empire's victory in the war in 3653 BBY, Gnost-Dural created a holorecord that also detailed the Empire's early operations against the Republic, including the attack in the Sluis sector.

By the time the Separatist Crisis began in 24 BBY, the Sluis sector had once again become renowned throughout the galaxy for its shipyards.

Behind the scenes

The conflict in the Sluis sector was initially mentioned on the Sith Empire's page within The Holonet, an online resource featured on Star Wars: The Old Republic's official site, providing background information on the LucasArts video game, Star Wars: The Old Republic. The battle was subsequently depicted and contextualized in the sixth installment of the Galactic Timeline. This timeline chronicles the galaxy's history leading up to the events of The Old Republic and is narrated by Jedi Master Gnost-Dural, voiced by Lance Henriksen.

The image depicting the battle in Onslaught of the Sith Empire portrays the Sluis planet and its shipyards in a manner identical to the depiction of the planet Kuat in the 2006 LucasArts game, Star Wars: Empire at War and its expansion, Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption. In fact, the single image of the battle, as seen at the top of this article, appears to be identical to a screen shot of Kuat from Forces of Corruption, as seen here.


  • The Sith Empire on The Old Republic Holonet (backup link) (content now obsolete; original version)
  • Timeline 6: Onslaught of the Sith Empire on The Old Republic's official website (article) (backup link) (Appears in hologram)
  • The Journal of Master Gnost-Dural

Notes and references
