Mon Mothma (Imperial-class)

Mon Mothma, named in honor of the celebrated Rebel Alliance and New Republic leader Mon Mothma, was a significant New Republic Defense Fleet and later Galactic Alliance vessel of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer type. It was a key participant in several battles of the Yuuzhan Vong War.


Mon Mothma stood out as one of the initial Imperial-class Star Destroyers equipped with gravity well projectors. The design of these updated projectors allowed for reduced power consumption and a more aerodynamic structure, eliminating the distinctive globes that characterized the Interdictor cruiser.

These ships differed from earlier Interdictor Star Destroyers, such as the Dominator, which utilized the standard Imperial-class hull but included elevated globes to house their gravity well projectors.


Mon Mothma was finished on Coruscant during 27 ABY, becoming part of a group of Star Destroyers that were named to honor prominent New Republic figures.

Soon after its completion, Mon Mothma became a critical part of a fleet's heavy line, led by Garm Bel Iblis, tasked with protecting the Jedi stationed on Eclipse Station. Against the directives of the New Republic Defense Force High Command, Bel Iblis then used Mon Mothma alongside Elegos A'Kla to travel to Talfaglio to evacuate refugees from Talfaglio. This action was secretly authorized by Chief of State Borsk Fey'lya, a fact that remained unknown until after the fleet successfully rescued thousands of refugees and ensured the secrecy of Eclipse Station.

Following the rescue mission at Talfaglio, Mon Mothma went back to Coruscant to defend the capital city against the impending Yuuzhan Vong invasion. During the Battle of Coruscant, Mon Mothma valiantly engaged the extra-galactic fleet but had to withdraw when the enemy's strength proved too much to overcome.

The ship then joined the New Republic forces as they regrouped at Borleias under the leadership of General Wedge Antilles, taking part in the planet's liberation. The powerful weaponry and gravity well projectors of Mon Mothma were vital in repelling waves of Yuuzhan Vong attacks on Borleias until Operation Starlancer could get underway, at which point it retreated to the edge of the Pyria system. Once the battle had gone on long enough for the Inner Council members to escape, Mon Mothma executed a micro-jump back to the planet and engaged the Yuuzhan Vong matalok until the repaired Lusankya arrived to take over the counter attack.

Antilles then transferred his command to Mon Mothma and led his fleet to confront the Yuuzhan Vong at Duro. Mon Mothma once again played a central role in a deception, tricking the Yuuzhan Vong into overcommitting forces to the Duro system, which were then ensnared by its gravity well projectors and destroyed. Although Mon Mothma sustained significant damage, it was repaired just in time for the planning of Operation Trinity. There, Mon Mothma led the charge as part of point Alpha Fleet and bore the brunt of the damage when the fleet was cut off from reinforcements. It was then repaired again at Mon Calamari, remaining there for the duration of the war.

Seven years later, Mon Mothma was under the command of Commodore Gavin Darklighter, another former Rogue, both before and during the Dark Nest Crisis. It was part of the Fifth Fleet, which was commanded by Bothan Admiral Nek Bwua'tu. It participated in the blockade of the Utegetu Nebula in 36 ABY, just before the Swarm War started.

In the battle that marked the beginning of the Swarm War, Admiral Bwua'tu used Mon Mothma as his flagship after his original flagship, the Victory-class Star Destroyer Admiral Ackbar, was taken over by the forces of UnuThul's and Alema Rar as the Fifth Fleet attempted to destroy the approaching Killik fleet.

