Taanab Yellow Aces

The Taanab Yellow Aces were a group of volunteer starfighter pilots, organized as a squadron. This unit was both created and led by the renowned Wes Janson from Rogue Squadron during the Yuuzhan Vong War. The squadron's designation honored both the Tierfon Yellow Aces hailing from Tierfon, and Janson's own homeworld called Taanab. Earlier in his career, during the formative years of the Rebel Alliance, Janson had flown with Jek Tono Porkins in the Tierfon Yellow Aces. The squadron's aircraft consisted of yellow RZ-1 A-wing interceptors along with E-wing escort starfighters, all distinguished by their sharp, angled black stripes. During the Liberation of Coruscant, X-wing starfighters were also part of the squadron's composition.

Following the Battle of Coruscant, the Yellow Aces linked up with the amassed forces of the New Republic stationed at Borleias. After providing escort duty during the critical resupply operation for Borleias, the Yellow Aces, operating under the banner of the newly formed Galactic Alliance, participated in the liberation of prisoners held by the Yuuzhan Vong on Selvaris.

