
Selvaris, a planet of minor importance, was situated far from the core during the time of the Galactic Civil War. It held the distinction of being the closest inhabited world to the Bilbringi system.

During the conflict known as the Yuuzhan Vong War, it gained notoriety as the site of a significant prisoner-of-war camp, overseen by Malik Carr.

Geography and description

Selvaris boasted a vibrant ecosystem, characterized by dense tropical jungles, expansive forests, and vast blue oceans. Its abundant jungles and forests yielded a plethora of tropical fruits, while its oceans were teeming with diverse marine species. The planet was illuminated by a pair of suns, resulting in a consistently hot, tropical environment.

Following their conquest of the planet, the Yuuzhan Vong introduced a variety of bioengineered organisms originating from their home galaxy, specifically cultivated to thrive within Selvaris's environment. The process of Vongforming had begun on the planet's eastern side, with plans to convert the entire world to their native flora and fauna within a matter of months. Numerous population centers had already been overwhelmed by the alien vegetation, and technology was suppressed in favor of organic creations.


During the era of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Selvaris fell under the control of the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong invaders. A prison camp was established on the planet's southern landmass to house captured military personnel of the Galactic Alliance, including a substantial number of individuals involved in the Operation Trinity campaign that took place in the Bilbringi system. This camp was under the administration of Subaltern S'yito.

Compared to countless others who suffered enslavement, these prisoners were fortunate, even being granted a certain level of liberty. Nevertheless, the sweltering climate of Selvaris took a toll on some inmates, and a constant salty breeze originating from a nearby estuary did little to alleviate their discomfort. However, Selvaris was also abundant in life, and food was often accessible to both captors and captives. The oceans of the planet were also full of marine creatures.

In the year 29 ABY, an escape plot was conceived after classified information was transmitted to the camp from external sources. A Jenet by the name of Thorsh successfully fled the prison planet aboard the Millennium Falcon, carrying the crucial data. The remaining prisoners, including Judder Page and Pash Cracken, were subsequently moved to transports bound for Yuuzhan'tar, previously known as Coruscant. Despite being slated for sacrifice, many of the Selvaris prisoners were rescued during a daring strike conducted by forces of the Galactic Alliance.

