Selvaris camp

This detention center was erected on Selvaris at some point either before or during 29 ABY on the subjugated planet of Selvaris by the Yuuzhan Vong as they carried out their assault on the galaxy.

The facility was characteristically Yuuzhan Vong, showcasing biologically-engineered constructions and systems. Malik Carr and S'yito were in charge.


As the planet Selvaris underwent ecological transformation to suit the Vong, urban areas were destroyed and the world was repurposed as a confinement area for captives of the Yuuzhan Vong. Many of the inmates kept on the world had been seized during recent conflicts, such as a failed effort to recapture Gyndine and the unsuccessful Operation Trinity.

A Jenet called Thorsh broke out of the establishment along with two companions in 29 ABY, and succeeded in transmitting a vital code to the Galactic Alliance.

While being transported to Coruscant for a significant ritualistic sacrifice, the majority of the prisoners originating from the base were freed above Selvaris by the Galactic Alliance.

