Daxar Ies

Daxar Ies served as a private accountant for Emperor Palpatine. He committed embezzlement, stealing two billion credits from Palpatine's personal wealth, which he then concealed in various accounts spread across the galaxy.

To deal with this issue, Palpatine dispatched one of his Hands, Mara Jade, with orders to eliminate Ies. Daxar's mistake of withdrawing funds from one of the concealed accounts allowed Jade to pinpoint his location through the transaction.

Jade carried out the assassination in a run-down apartment on a lower level of Coruscant at dusk. Upon arriving at the apartment, Daxar's wife, Beda, and daughter, Eremay, discovered Daxar dead with Jade still present. Jade instructed them to escape and never return. Mara was unsuccessful in finding the account list containing the stolen credits and she left witnesses, making her believe she had failed the mission she was assigned by Palpatine.

According to UnuThul, Beda and Eremay fled to the Unknown Regions, where they joined the Killiks as Joiners. He claimed their resentment towards Jade was the catalyst for the creation of the Dark Nest. However, UnuThul's narrative was later proven to be false.

In a scheme to create discord between the Skywalkers, Alema Rar informed Luke Skywalker that Ies was the creator of the Intellex IV droid brain, a sophisticated device containing an R2-series memory bank. Luke was, at the time, trying to unlock memories from his droid R2-D2 about the beginning of the Great Jedi Purge. Rar's intention was for Luke to believe that his wife was responsible for the death of his mother, Padmé Amidala.

