YVH 2-4S

YVH 2-4S, also known as Two-Four-S, was a sophisticated battle droid of the YVH S-series, boasting masculine programming. Tendrando Arms manufactured him during the Yuuzhan Vong War. In the year 27 ABY, he found himself a member of a strike team composed primarily of Jedi. This droid and another YVH were assigned a mission to the Yuuzhan Vong-controlled planet of Myrkr. Their objective: neutralize the voxyn threat, genetically-engineered predators capable of hunting Jedi through the Force. After seizing the corvette analog Exquisite Death from its Yuuzhan Vong crew, YVH 2-4S and the strike team inserted themselves onto the Baanu Rass worldship, which was orbiting Myrkr. Once aboard, 2-4S and his companions liberated two Dark Jedi who had been imprisoned by the Yuuzhan Vong. However, shortly after their arrival on the worldship, YVH 2-4S met his end. He sacrificed himself to eliminate a pair of enemy coralskippers that had stumbled upon the team's location. Despite this loss and others, the mission pressed on, and the voxyn were ultimately destroyed.


Taking the Exquisite Death

YVH 2-4S, also known as Two-Four-S, was a sophisticated YVH-Series battle droid manufactured by Tendrando Arms circa 27 ABY. This occurred during the Yuuzhan Vong War, a conflict in which the extra-galactic Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy and waged war against the New Republic. In that year, the Yuuzhan Vong's shaper caste employed genetic engineering to create the deadly voxyn creatures. These beasts were designed to hunt Jedi Knights, who were defending the New Republic, by tracking them through the Force. As the Jedi suffered increasing losses due to voxyn attacks, a Jedi strike team was assembled to counter this threat. The Jedi had learned that the shapers were using a voxyn queen as a genetic template to clone and produce all other voxyn. Furthermore, the Jedi discovered that the Yuuzhan Vong were creating the voxyn near the planet Myrkr, which was under the invaders' control.

A YVH droid, much like 2-4S

YVH 2-4S, along with another YVH-Series battle droid, YVH 2-1S, accompanied the strike team. This team consisted of seventeen young Jedi, including the Solo siblings Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin. Given that their destination was behind enemy lines, the team needed a secure method of reaching Myrkr. Consequently, a plan was devised and implemented. Lando Calrissian, the entrepreneur who owned Tendrando Arms, transported the two war droids and the seventeen young Jedi close to enemy territory aboard his starship, the Lady Luck. There, he encountered the Yuuzhan Vong corvette analog Exquisite Death. Under the guise of trading the Jedi for the lives of refugees captured from the planet Talfaglio, Calrissian instructed his crew to "seize" the Jedi and deliver them to Commander Duman Yaght of the Exquisite Death.

While the captured Jedi created a brief diversion to ensure they were the sole focus, 2-4S and 2-1S exited the Lady Luck through its disposal chute. They were accompanied by an equipment pod containing essential supplies. They attached this pod to the boarding craft used by Yaght to reach Calrissian's ship. Thus, when the Yuuzhan Vong returned the Jedi to the Exquisite Death, the war droids were secretly in tow, unbeknownst to Yaght and his troops. As the Yuuzhan Vong ship transported them deeper into enemy territory, the Jedi endured torture. However, once the Jedi determined that the Exquisite Death had traveled far enough, Anakin signaled 2-4S and 2-1S for assistance via a voice-activated implant. 2-4S breached the vessel's hull using ten coma gas canisters to incapacitate the crew. After creating a hole in the outer hull, 2-4S sealed it to the open equipment pod using emergency patching foam, while 2-1S guarded the interior of the vessel. En route to rescuing the captive Jedi, the two war droids encountered the Exquisite Death's three voxyn. After deploying thermal detonators, the droids believed they had eliminated the voxyn. Subsequently, both YVHs stormed into the room where the Jedi were held and swiftly dispatched two warriors who were attempting to kill the Jedi members of the strike team.

Once the Jedi were freed, the guards neutralized, and weapons distributed, the team embarked on a mission to eliminate any surviving Yuuzhan Vong who had evaded the effects of 2-4S's coma gas. They also sought to rescue Jedi Ganner Rhysode, who was being held captive elsewhere. As the team began its sweep of the ship, 2-4S was positioned at the rear of the group, tasked with protecting the Wookiee Jedi Lowbacca as he inserted flechette mines into the Exquisite Death's system ducts. When one of the voxyn—which had survived the initial encounter with the YVH war droids—detonated a mine in the ducts, 2-4S was dispatched to check on Jaina, who was with another part of the team. Jaina and 2-4S contained the wounded beast within the ducts and eventually killed it. However, another voxyn had managed to survive and engaged part of the strike team before being driven into the ducts. Ultimately, the team successfully seized the Exquisite Death, killing Yaght and rescuing Rhysode, without suffering any casualties in the process.


The group utilized the captured Yuuzhan Vong vessel to reach Myrkr. Upon approaching the planet, they discovered the worldship Baanu Rass in nearby orbit. Because the Jedi sensed Force-sensitives aboard the worldship alongside the voxyn, they could not proceed with their original plan: destroying the voxyn cloning facility with a baradium missile. They also deduced that the Yuuzhan Vong, by holding Force-sensitives hostage, must possess ysalamiri, creatures capable of generating a field where the Force is unusable, to prevent prisoners from escaping. As they approached the worldship, Anakin sensed a trap and ordered the others to arm the missile. Moments later, a matalok enemy ship appeared above the Baanu Rass, positioning itself between the Exquisite Death and the loading area for the voxyn cloning facility on the worldship. After the commander of the matalok demanded their surrender, the crew of the Exquisite Death launched the missile at the enemy vessel. The matalok was completely destroyed, but other Yuuzhan Vong forces quickly surrounded the strike team's vessel, realizing that the Exquisite Death was no longer under their control.

With the Bith Jedi Ulaha Kore piloting the captured ship as enemy vessels attempted to ensnare it with arresting tentacles, the rest of the strike team, excluding 2-1S, packed themselves into five Yuuzhan Vong cargo pods. After 2-4S created a hole in the hull of the Exquisite Death, the first pod released was a decoy filled with explosives. When one of the pursuing vessels caught it with tentacles, the pod detonated, leading the Yuuzhan Vong forces to believe all the pods were bombs. The other four pods fell out of the ship as the Exquisite Death retreated from the Baanu Rass, and Kore led the pursuing ships on a chase. The Jedi used the Force to slow their pods as they approached the worldship's surface, although 2-4S's pod, the fourth one, was not decelerated. Despite this, the YVH droid survived the crash. Meanwhile, 2-1S was launched from the captured vessel in a shuttle and, after drawing more ships away, sacrificed himself in an explosion to eliminate as many enemy forces as possible.

2-4S was on the Baanu Rass when the droid was destroyed.

The strike team's pods were destroyed with thermal detonators to reinforce the deception that they were bombs. 2-4S and the team then set out for the voxyn cloning facility's loading area. Before long, two coralskippers approached the area where the pods had landed, forcing 2-4S and the team to conceal themselves in the dust until they passed. As they resumed their course for the spaceport, the Jedi sensed Kore's death through the Force, as her pursuers had caught up to the Exquisite Death. Before reaching the spaceport, the group had to navigate a dangerous area filled with senalak plants, prompting the Rodian Jedi Jovan Drark to use a Force wave to clear a path. Upon reaching the spaceport, they discovered it was a landing pit surrounded by a colonnade barrier, accessible via a series of living airlocks.

Needing a distraction, Anakin used the Force to flick a capsule containing ysalamiri mating pheromones into one of the airlocks opened by service crew. Just then, 2-4S reported an enemy frigate approaching the spaceport. Soon, the pheromones drew a group of ysalamiri out of the colonnade, creating enough of a diversion for the Yuuzhan Vong forces. This allowed the strike team members to don their holoshroud disguises and approach the spaceport. Rhysode and 2-4S provided cover for the rest of the strike team as they advanced toward the spaceport, eventually joining them on the other side of one of the airlock valves. The plan was to reach the location where the ysalamiri were held, which was also where the Force-sensitives were imprisoned, and then steal a rescue shuttle from the spaceport.

Freeing the Dark Jedi

On the way to the ysalamiri, the group encountered a Yuuzhan Vong who engaged them in conversation. Despite Tahiri Veila's assistance in translating the language, Rhysode inadvertently insulted the being, causing it to leave. Upon reaching the ysalamiri area, the Jedi's Force abilities were temporarily suppressed due to the presence of walking olbio trees, which housed ysalamiri in their leaves, in the corridor leading to their destination. The group used their disguising holoshrouds to approach and eliminate the first pair of guards before deactivating their hologram devices. While Jacen, Rhysode, and 2-4S guarded the entrance to the ysalamiri room, the rest of the strike team disposed of the ysalamiri and remaining guards, leaving a single shaper alive.

That shaper was quickly killed by Lomi Plo, one of two captured Dark Jedi in the room, using the Force. All the Jedi and Dark Jedi in the room could now use the Force, as the ysalamiri were gone. Plo and the other Dark Jedi, Welk, were the Force-sensitives sensed by the Jedi upon arriving over Myrkr. They allied with the strike team to destroy the voxyn. However, Rhysode and Jacen interrupted the group in the ysalamiri room, reporting that a shuttle had arrived from the frigate that had previously approached the Baanu Rass. The shuttle carried Executor Nom Anor, the feathery Fosh Vergere, and over a hundred warriors, all tasked with capturing the Solo twins, Jacen and Jaina. As the spaceport had become dangerous for 2-4S and the group, due to the Yuuzhan Vong they had insulted earlier directing Anor and the others toward them, Plo suggested they head to the voxyn cloning facility via a training course used by the shapers to teach the voxyn to hunt Force-sensitives.

Despite the team's distrust of the Dark Jedi, they had no choice but to follow Plo. Soon, they reached a canyon passage where Lowbacca and Rhysode laid a series of mines before entering a side trail branching off the corridor. Shortly after leaving the corridor, 2-4S reported that the mines had been detonated by their pursuers. When a pair of coralskippers passed overhead before diving toward the treetops covering the team, Anakin had 2-4S secure the intersection while the rest of the team descended into a swampy area. The war droid fired on the lead coralskipper, destroying it, but the other sprayed a deadly chemical mist near the team's location. Using his propulsion rockets, 2-4S ascended, firing upon the remaining ship, but was struck by plasma from the coralskipper. 2-4S steered himself into his opponent and, using his self-destruct charges, destroyed the enemy craft.

Ultimately, the team succeeded in killing the voxyn queen, ending the threat to the Jedi, although many team members perished during the mission.



As a fourth-degree YVH S-series war droid, 2-4S was specifically designed to efficiently eliminate members of the Yuuzhan Vong species. Programmed with a masculine personality, he was armored in laminanium, a strong and self-regenerating material. His weaponry included a blaster cannon and targeting minirockets. He also possessed propulsion rockets and self-destruct charges, but his sensor package lacked deep-space detection capabilities. The droid had a built-in comlink for communication with other YVHs and was capable of functioning in zero-gravity conditions, such as in space. As a YVH S-series droid, 2-4S featured black-colored, star-spangled camouflage armor and a voice resembling that of his creator, Lando Calrissian.


During the battle with the coralskippers, 2-4S utilized his self-destruct charges to eliminate the last enemy craft after sustaining critical damage. Jacen Solo regarded the YVH as a valued and respected member of the strike team.

Behind the scenes

YVH 2-4S was initially mentioned in the 2001 novel Star by Star, penned by Troy Denning as part of The New Jedi Order series. The New Jedi Order Sourcebook, published in 2002, erroneously claims that 2-1S was the last war droid to fall during the mission, while Star by Star depicts 2-4S as the last to perish.

