Exquisite Death was a corvette analog used by the Yuuzhan Vong, specifically a Yuuzhan Vong War-era vessel in 27 ABY, captained by Commander Duman Yaght. This ship, with a length of 122 meters and a two-deck structure, accommodated a crew of 98 individuals. Its design incorporated a bridge at the front, three cargo holds at the rear, and four primary corridors for movement.
In a scheme orchestrated during the Mission to Myrkr, Duman Yaght took custody of seventeen Jedi prisoners from Fitzgibbon Lane, who was actually Lando Calrissian, with the intention of transporting a team of Jedi Knights to Myrkr. After the ship had passed beyond Yuuzhan Vong territory, the Jedi launched an assault, eliminating all Yuuzhan Vong and voxyn present, thereby seizing control of the vessel for the remainder of their voyage. As they neared Myrkr, Jedi Apprentice Ulaha Kore remained on the Death to divert the attention of enemy forces, facilitating her companions' clandestine entry onto the worldship Baanu Rass. The Death and Kore met their end amidst the subsequent conflict.