Ulaha Kore, a female Bith who was both a musician and a Jedi Knight within the ranks of the New Jedi Order, actively participated in the Yuuzhan Vong War. Kore possessed a natural aptitude for music composition along with strategic thinking, allowing her to become a significant Jedi tactician. In the year 25 ABY, the Yuuzhan Vong species from beyond the galactic boundaries launched an invasion of the galaxy, targeting both the New Republic and the New Jedi Order. Consequently, Kore became deeply involved in the management and planning of the Order's war efforts. When the Yuuzhan Vong unleashed the voxyn, genetically engineered creatures designed specifically to hunt and eliminate Jedi, during the second year of the conflict, Kore joined forces with other younger Jedi to confront this emerging threat.
Under the leadership of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, a strike team was assembled, with Kore among its members. Their mission was to infiltrate and destroy the facility where the voxyn were being cloned and trained, located on the occupied world of Myrkr. Serving as both an analyst and tactician for the strike team, Kore suffered severe injuries during their insertion into Yuuzhan Vong territory. Subsequently, she endured extensive torture as the Yuuzhan Vong attempted to break her spirit and that of her companions. Despite the strike team's success in seizing control of the Yuuzhan Vong vessel where they were held captive, Kore's injuries were too severe for her to accompany them to the voxyn cloning facility. Instead, the dying Bith musician made the ultimate sacrifice to improve the mission's chances of success.
Ulaha Kore, a female Bith, demonstrated sensitivity to the Force and underwent training as a Jedi within Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order. In addition to her natural ability to wield the Force, Kore possessed exceptional musical talent, which led to invitations to exclusive social events throughout her life. Her Jedi training proved successful, resulting in the construction of her own lightsaber and her attainment of the rank of Jedi Knight. In 25 ABY, the galaxy and its established galactic government, the New Republic, faced invasion by an extragalactic race known as the Yuuzhan Vong, who launched a crusade to conquer the galaxy and claim it as their own. Both the Jedi and the New Republic experienced significant setbacks during the initial months of the war as the Yuuzhan Vong advanced from the Outer Rim Territories towards the Core Worlds. The Jedi's public image suffered greatly following the destruction of Ithor, an event for which Jedi Master Corran Horn was held responsible.
In 25.7 ABY, Kore was present at the Jedi Praxeum on the moon Yavin 4 when Talon Karrde, a smuggler, arrived with vital information regarding the Yuuzhan Vong's movements. Karrde had learned that a peace agreement between Hutt Space and the Yuuzhan Vong had led to the cessation of spice trade to key systems such as the Corellian system, the Tynnani system and Bothan sector, leading him to suspect an imminent attack on one of these locations. Kore questioned Karrde's decision to approach the Jedi instead of the New Republic Defense Force or government officials. The smuggler explained that the Jedi's reputation had been tarnished after the destruction of Ithor, and providing intelligence on the invaders' next target could help them regain public trust. However, the Yuuzhan Vong had deliberately halted the spice trade to Corellia, Tynna and Bothawui as a diversion to mask their true objective: a surprise attack on Fondor, where the New Republic suffered a major defeat shortly after Karrde's warning.
Following the defeat at Fondor, the Yuuzhan Vong advanced along the Corellian Run towards the Inner Rim and the Core Worlds. Jedi Master Skywalker began holding regular meetings with Jedi on the galactic capital of Coruscant to discuss strategy. Kore, known for her mathematical expertise, frequently attended these sessions along with other Jedi. During one such meeting on a balcony in Coruscant's government district, Skywalker received reports from various Jedi, and the assembled Jedi discussed the progress of the Yuuzhan Vong War. Kore noted that the invaders had not yet targeted the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk, despite its proximity to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion route. The meeting concluded shortly thereafter. In the following weeks, the New Republic suffered another significant defeat on the planet Duro, where the Yuuzhan Vong warmaster, Tsavong Lah, issued a galaxy-wide ultimatum demanding the Jedi Order's surrender.
After turning much of the galaxy against the Jedi Order, the Yuuzhan Vong unleashed the voxyn, genetically engineered creatures designed to hunt down and eliminate Force-sensitives. The voxyn began decimating Jedi ranks at the beginning of 27 ABY. In response to this crisis, Jedi Knights mobilized to combat the threat. Ulaha Kore accompanied a squadron of Jedi to Froz, where it was believed the Yuuzhan Vong would attempt to attack one of Jedi Master Kyp Durron's supply bases with voxyn. Anakin Solo organized a mission to capture voxyn for study at the Froz system, where it was anticipated that the Yuuzhan Vong would soon release more of the creatures. Kore joined Solo's squadron aboard a converted blastboat named the Big Eye, along with fellow Jedi Tenel Ka, Raynar Thul and Lowbacca. Kore's call sign was "Minstrel," and her role on the Big Eye was to provide tactical analysis and information.
While Kore and her fellow Jedi awaited the arrival of voxyn in the system, which they would be able to sense through the Force, the team aboard the Big Eye observed the arrival of Speed Queen, a freighter that was quickly intercepted by a Yuuzhan Vong interdictor. As rescuing civilian vessels was not part of their mission, Solo ordered the team to maintain their positions. However, Kore and the others witnessed Kyp's Dozen, a starfighter squadron led by Jedi Master Kyp Durron, arrive to engage the Yuuzhan Vong. Durron's squadron defeated the Yuuzhan Vong force and rescued Speed Queen, but moments later, three Yuuzhan Vong assault frigates entered the system and surrounded Durron's squadron, forcing Anakin Solo to reveal his presence and engage the frigates.
Following the mission to Froz, the Jedi continued their efforts to capture voxyn for study. Ulaha Kore partnered with Eryl Besa, a Human Jedi, and together they successfully captured another voxyn and returned it to Cilghal at the secret Jedi base located above the planet Eclipse. After Cilghal conducted further research on the voxyn and reached conclusions based on her studies, Luke Skywalker summoned several Jedi, including Kore, to Eclipse Station to announce Cilghal's findings. The Mon Calamari revealed that she had discovered evidence in the stomach of the voxyn recovered by Kore and Besa, indicating that the creature had been bred on Myrkr, a conquered planet deep within Yuuzhan Vong territory. Kore quickly analyzed the feasibility of a full-scale assault on Myrkr and concluded that such an approach would be doomed to failure, even if the Jedi could assemble a sufficiently large fleet.
Anakin Solo proposed a plan to infiltrate Myrkr by surrendering a team of Jedi into Yuuzhan Vong custody, allowing them to be transported across the occupied territory before commandeering the vessel and traveling to the Myrkr system.
During the Yuuzhan Vong's staged capture, a coufee punctured her single lung. This critical wound made her a target for the commander during an attempt to break the Jedi: he repeatedly stroked the Bith's sensitive hands across a voxyn's scales. The other Jedi prolonged their torture sessions to give the Bith time to recover in a healing trance. Jaina Solo, unable to bear the Bith's suffering, finally admitted the existence of a Jedi base. Before Ulaha could be tortured further, Anakin Solo ordered her to reveal the base's location to end her torment. She refused and, drawing strength from the Battle meld, killed the voxyn with a coufee and many other Yuuzhan Vong with its acid. Jacen Solo and the others believed Anakin had ordered her to kill the voxyn.
Ulaha later gave her life to stop an enemy boarding party on the worldship orbiting Myrkr, becoming the first casualty of the mission. As she died, she played a melody on a metal tube; Jaina wished Tionne could have heard it.
The Bith musician's sacrifice allowed the Jedi strike team to board the Baanu Rass and begin the difficult task of finding and eliminating the voxyn queen. Ultimately, Kore was the first of six Jedi to die on the mission, which, although eventually successful, had profound consequences for its survivors. On the waterworld of Dac, where the New Republic established its new capital in 28 ABY after the fall of Coruscant to the Yuuzhan Vong, Kore was honored posthumously in a ceremony led by Chief of State Cal Omas.
Ulaha Kore was first introduced as a background Jedi in James Luceno's The New Jedi Order: Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse. Kore reappeared in the subsequent installment of The New Jedi Order series, The New Jedi Order: Balance Point, written by Kathy Tyers. In The New Jedi Order: Star by Star, author Troy Denning expanded upon Kore's character in more detail, although the Bith Jedi was killed off during the Mission to Myrkr storyline. Kore's statistics for the Star Wars roleplaying game were later included in The New Jedi Order Sourcebook, and she received an entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, published in 2008. In 1997, the Bantam Spectra novel Planet of Twilight briefly mentioned a new Bith student at Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum. While there are no other known members of Kore's species in the New Jedi Order, there is no further connection between the Bith mentioned in Planet of Twilight and Ulaha Kore.