Holomasks, along with other names such as multispectrum disguise suites, holographic disguise matrix, shadow hologram, holoshroud, holographic image disguiser, holoflage, camouflage suit, and Photo-Optic Replicator, were a type of technology based on holoprojectors designed for concealing the true appearance of people, structures, and various objects. These devices could be integrated into handheld units, droids, and even buildings.

Across the galaxy, entities ranging from governments to criminal syndicates, as well as private corporations and individuals, made use of multispectrum disguise suites, which consisted of advanced holoprojectors, to ensure security, maintain privacy, and conduct espionage. More sophisticated versions included features like speech scramblers, scanners, and bio-sign generators, all of which enhanced the effectiveness of the disguise.
By the time of the Galactic Civil War, numerous variations of the disguise suite were being manufactured, each with varying levels of performance. Basic models suffered from limited memory, restricting them to storing only a single image, and their power supply would deplete after just two minutes unless connected to a larger power source. Portable variants were designed to be carried, worn on a belt, or used as a mask projected onto the user's face (referred to as a holomask). Camouflage suits, worn by individuals, analyzed the surrounding visual spectrum and then projected the readings onto the wearer, effectively making them appear to blend in with their environment, thus achieving near-invisibility. However, rapid movement by the user would cause the projected image to blur and distort.
Other disguise systems were built into building facades to conceal entrances, projecting a mostly pre-rendered image over the intended area. While the more expensive models produced highly realistic images, some versions exhibited a subtle "flicker." Although imperceptible to the naked eye, this flicker could be detected by certain droids, cameras, and other sensors, indicating that something was not quite right. A holoflage served as a holographic covering to conceal a doorway or other surface. A typical example, such as the Corellidyne CQ-3.9x holographic image disguiser, was compact enough to be worn on a belt, but its limited memory meant it could only store one image, and its power source would only last for two minutes without an external connection. Another model available was the CQ-3.99 holographic image disguiser.

The development of this technology is credited to the bounty hunter known as Sinrich.
During the Clone Wars, a group of bounty hunters undertook a mission to abduct Supreme Chancellor Palpatine on Naboo. These hunters, namely Twazzi, Embo, Derrown, and Cad Bane, utilized four of these disguise devices to appear as three Senate Guards and a Neimoidian, respectively.
Cybot Galactica integrated a CQ-3.80 disguise suite into their TC-SC infiltration droids, which, combined with the droid's comprehensive knowledge of cultures and behaviors, created a highly effective disguise.
A bounty hunter named Daxtorn Lethos employed a holographic belt to generate disguises for himself.