The Third Fleet of the New Republic constituted a significant fleet element within the broader structure of the New Republic Defense Fleet. Initiated in 4 ABY and placed under the direct authority of Admiral Gial Ackbar, this fleet played a key role in the New Republic liberation campaign until the capture of Coruscant. Subsequently, it transitioned into a major defensive command, with its base of operations located at Kashyyyk. During the Thrawn campaign, the Third Fleet functioned as a rapid response unit, and in 17 ABY, it participated in the Imperial Skirmishes, contributing significantly to the final defeat of the Imperial Remnant. Amidst substantial losses sustained during the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Third Fleet underwent a reorganization in 28 ABY, along with the rest of the Combined Defense Forces of the New Republic, and was re-designated as the Galactic Alliance Third Fleet.
Following the Battle of Endor, the New Republic's Third Fleet was commanded by Admiral Gial Ackbar. It engaged the Imperial forces of Grand Admiral Syn during the liberation of Kashyyyk. In 6 ABY, the Third Fleet, then under the leadership of Admiral Nammo, suffered a defeat in battle at the Bilbringi system against Admiral Teren Rogriss and the 181st Imperial Fighter Wing.
Following its acquisition, the Guardian was integrated into the Third Fleet's order of battle. In the aftermath of the Almanian Uprising, this fleet, along with the Fifth Fleet, was dispatched to confront the Imperial Remnant in the Outer Rim.
In preparation for the Battle of Fondor, the fleet was positioned at Kuat. It subsequently evolved into the Galactic Alliance Third Fleet.
The Jantol and Farlight were vessels that belonged to this fleet.