
Kalback was a New Republic Admiral of the Mon Calamari species, related to Admiral Gial Ackbar as a distant relative. He was in his seventh decade of life when he took his last command.

In the year 5 ABY, Admiral Ackbar briefly delegated command of the New Republic Third Fleet to Admirals Kalback and Willham Burke. Together, they endeavored to isolate the forces of Imperial warlord Treuten Teradoc from the Core Worlds. Leading the fleet from the Mon Calamari Star Cruisers named Justice and Remember Alderaan, the pair prevailed against the warlord's forces at Togoria and then advanced to the planet Lantillies located on the Perlemian Trade Route, where they linked up with forces from the planet Contruum. Having secured a foothold on the Perlemian, the two admirals split their forces; Burke advanced towards the Core Worlds to Chazwa, while Kalback moved to Corsin in an attempt to establish control of the Hydian Way. This endeavor failed, as Kalback's ships encountered Zsinj's Executor-class Star Dreadnought called the Iron Fist. He retreated to Obroa-skai, where his forces were integrated into General Luke Skywalker's Rapid Response Task Force.

During the Battle of Mindor, he was in command of the naval assets of the task force from the Justice. He had faith in Luke Skywalker's abilities and accepted the surrender of Lord Shadowspawn in the early stages of the conflict. This proved to be a deception, and Kalback died on the bridge of the Justice when a booby-trapped shuttle destroyed his flagship, with a piece of console hitting him in the head during the explosions. Skywalker mourned the spirit of the fallen Admiral to the Force.

