The Rapid Response Task Force, also known as RRTF, represented a naval task force of the New Republic. This force saw action during the Battle of Mindor which occurred in 5 ABY.
This naval task force included various frigates, assault ships, and more powerful cruisers. Leading this group was the MC80 Liberty type Star Cruiser named Justice. Within the force's structure was a Bulwark Mark I, equipped with a minimum of three starfighter squadrons alongside several landing craft, in addition to a pair of Acclamator-class assault ships, a trio of altered Corellian freight liners functioning as frigates, and a quintet of CC-7700 interdictor cruisers, each fielding a single fighter squadron.
Assisting this force was the recently constructed Mon Calamari battle cruiser called Remember Alderaan, under the command of Lando Calrissian. This ship joined the battle after it had already begun.