New Republic Fifth Fleet

The New Republic Fifth Fleet, also recognized as the Fifth Defense Task Force, began its service as the Fifth Roving Battle Group. This fleet stood out as the first within the New Republic Defense Fleet to be exclusively composed of New Class warships. Initially designed as a swift response force, the Fifth Roving Battle Group saw action under the leadership of General Etahn A'baht during the tumultuous Black Fleet Crisis of 16 ABY. This period earned them the moniker "Fighting Fifth" and led to their formal establishment as a full-fledged fleet. By 19 ABY, the Fifth Fleet had expanded to include approximately five hundred capital ships and several thousand starfighters, organized into five distinct battle groups.

In 28 ABY, a reorganization of the Fifth Fleet occurred alongside the broader restructuring of the New Republic Defense Forces, resulting in its redesignation as the Galactic Alliance Fifth Fleet.

Operational History

K-wing bombers during the Battle of Doornik-319.

The Fifth Fleet, originally structured into five task forces, was first activated in 16 ABY as the Fifth Roving Battle Group, with General Etahn A'baht in command. A'baht directed the fleet from the Intrepid. The activation of the Fifth Battle Group stemmed from concerns over the other four New Republic Navy fleets being overextended in territorial deployments, leaving the New Republic without a readily available rapid response capability. However, its formation sparked controversy among some senators within the New Republic, who worried about its potential misuse as an instrument of aggression.

During the Black Fleet Crisis, the Fifth Battle Group was heavily involved in the Koornacht Cluster, sustaining casualties in both the Battle of Doornik-319 and the subsequent Battle of N'zoth. Following these engagements, the Fifth oversaw the pacification of N'zoth and the remnants of the shattered Duskhan League. In the wake of the Black Fleet Crisis, the "Fighting Fifth" was swiftly upgraded to full fleet status.

The New Republic Third Fleet joined the Fifth Fleet in Admiral Ackbar's offensive against the Imperial Remnant in 18 ABY, culminating in the Battle of Anx Minor. After A'baht's departure, his friend, Kiles L'toth, assumed command. By 19 ABY, the year that saw the Pellaeon–Gavrisom Treaty establish peace with the Imperial Remnant, thus concluding the Galactic Civil War, the Fifth Fleet had grown to its full capacity. It now consisted of five hundred capital ships divided into five battle groups, complemented by thousands of starfighters.

During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Fifth Fleet was initially deployed between Kothlis and Bothawui. Its mission was to defend vital Core systems following the fall of Fondor. With the New Republic's transformation into the Galactic Alliance, the fleet was later renamed the Galactic Alliance Fifth Fleet.


Prior to Operation Hammerblow, the Fifth Fleet comprised 106 starships, organized into five task forces each containing approximately twenty-one vessels, although these numbers varied due to operational needs. Each task force was built around either a Nebula-class Star Destroyer or an Endurance-class fleet carrier, supported by two Majestic-class heavy cruisers, two Defender-class assault carriers, four Sacheen-class escort frigates, and five Warrior-class gunships. It's reasonable to assume that each task force also included several Agave-class pickets and at least two Hajen-class fleet tenders.

Following the devastating Battle of Doornik-319, the Fifth Battle Group received reinforcements consisting of 133 additional warships from the Third, Fourth, and Second Fleets.

By 19 ABY, the Fifth Fleet had reached its full operational strength, boasting five hundred capital ships distributed across five battle groups, along with thousands of starfighters.

Known permanent Task Forces

Temporary Task Forces

Known officers of the Fifth Fleet

Known ships of the Fifth Fleet

16 ABY

Before Operation Hammerblow - 106 warships

17 ABY

Before the Battle of N'zoth - 220 warships

