The BTL-S8 K-wing assault starfighter, more often called the K-wing, functioned as a substantial starfighter and bomber in military applications.
The K-wing assault starfighter was a product of Koensayr Manufacturing, the same organization that brought the well-regarded Y-wing into existence. Similar to many New Republic starfighters, the K-wing was engineered to shine in a particular primary combat role, while still being adaptable enough to handle secondary roles when the need arose.

The K-wing starfighter's main objectives encompassed the precise bombing of ground targets, slow-moving capital ships, and spaceborne installations. It was also utilized for support missions such as escorting other ships or performing reconnaissance.
The K-wing's airframe was built with two major wings connected to a stationary stabilizer. The two primary ion engines, situated where the wings and stabilizer met, gave the K-wing a sublight speed comparable to the Y-wing, in spite of its increased size.
An additional engine, located along the centerline on the stabilizer's aft dorsal section, allowed the fighter to achieve rapid acceleration in short bursts, much like the SLAM system used by the Imperial Missile Boat. A significant limitation was the K-wing's lack of a hyperdrive; it always required deployment from a capital ship.
To effectively contribute to the New Republic Defense Fleet, the K-wing was equipped with an exceptionally large array of weapons for a craft of its dimensions. The hull incorporated a total of 18 hard points, with five on each upper wing and four on each lower wing. This allowed technicians to equip the ship with a diverse range of ordnance, including flechétte and concussion missiles, proton and other sublight torpedoes, thermal and other inertial bombs, small space mines, and T-33 plasma torpedoes.

When facing attacks from enemy fighters, the K-wing could respond with a short-range quad turbolaser turret featuring multi-stage lasers at the front, and a medium-range twin laser cannon turret positioned on top of its command module. Furthermore, slugthrower cannons could be mounted on the hardpoints for additional close-range firepower. As with most New Republic fighters, it included a deflector shield.
Due to the extensive weapons payload, the K-wing necessitated a bombardier. The pilot and gunner occupied cockpits located on either side of the command section. In an emergency, this module could detach from the rest of the ship, functioning as an escape pod.

The New Republic first used K-wings in battle during the Black Fleet Crisis. Throughout their period of service, they were typically deployed in oversized squadrons, composed of three flights each containing six bombers.
Certain Viscount-class Star Defenders were known to include K-wings in their complement of hangar craft, serving as an alternative to B-wings.
During the Second Galactic Civil War, Commenor utilized K-wings for defense during the Battle of Commenor.
While The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels describes the K-wing as having laser turrets for defense, The Black Fleet Crisis suggests that the fighter had no built-in weaponry, relying solely on its wing hardpoints for armament. The Black Fleet Crisis also indicates that the K-wing's third engine was located below the other two at a slight angle to aid in pulling out of dives, which is inconsistent with the placement described in The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels. Other inconsistencies include the arrangement of the wings and cockpit; most visual representations show side-by-side cockpits, while the Black Fleet Trilogy describes the pilot and bombardier sitting one behind the other. Starships of the Galaxy (Saga Edition) addresses these differences by identifying the laser armaments and side-by-side cockpit arrangement as later modifications to the vessel, and clarifying that the "turbolaser" designation was a non-technical usage of the term.