T-65BR X-wing reconnaissance starfighter

The T-65BR X-wing reconnaissance starfighter, more often known as the Recon-X or Snoopscoot, represented a specialized version of the Incom T-65 X-wing starfighter, meticulously adapted to suit the demands of reconnaissance operations.


A Recon X-wing with sensor pods deployed

The T-65BR, a significant leap forward from the antiquated and sluggish Longprobe Y-wings, boasted an innovative, high-sensitivity, long-distance sensor array coupled with rapid hypertransceivers, replacing the standard X-wing's proton torpedo launchers. These sensor suites were integrated into probes, deployed from the craft and connected via cables. An additional six reconnaissance imaging systems were installed within the starfighter's nose. An on-board R2-R-series astromech droid managed the sensor suites for optimal performance, a crucial requirement for incursions into potentially hazardous areas. The astromech droid was critically important for guiding the Recon-X through its scouting missions and collecting data, so much so that some New Republic pilots joked that the pilot's primary function was to keep the astromech company. During reconnaissance missions, the astromech automatically updated the pilot with classifications of any detected enemy vessels. Due to these traits, many pilots referred to the Recon-X as the "Snoopscoot".

To facilitate immediate transmission of gathered intelligence to allied command, the Recon-X was also outfitted with a HoloNet communicator, or alternatively, a hypercomm data relay. The hypercomm transmitters were tightly integrated with the Recon-X's hyperdrive system, programmed to initiate data transmission as soon as the fighter reverted to realspace within the target area.

The Recon-X incorporated advanced engines and etheric rudder prototypes, negating the need for thrusters. To address potential capture scenarios, the Recon-X was equipped with several distinct countermeasures. The pilot had a purge stick, which, when inserted into the cockpit's control panel, would trigger a purge charge. This charge erased all onboard data and destroyed the R2-R astromech unit via an explosion. The purge stick also contained a secondary fail-safe: a suicide needle that would quickly kill the pilot upon injection into the palm. Furthermore, a pressure-activated "dead man's" spring plate mechanism was present, capable of self-destructing the Recon-X fighter with a baradium charge upon the pilot's death. This self-destruct explosion was powerful enough to cripple a Yevethan corvette.

Unlike standard fighters, the Recon-X prioritized sensor capabilities, sacrificing weaponry beyond its laser cannons. Some Recon-X even had the laser cannons removed, as their energy output interfered with the advanced sensors. Despite this, the Recon-X possessed the smallest rear blind spot of any New Republic fighter.

Operational history

Xarcce Huwla piloted Rogue Squadron's T-65BR during the Galactic Civil War. Later on, Nrin Vakil flew a T-65R with Rogue Squadron during the search for the Pulsar Station. Recon-Xs from the 21st Recon Group also saw action during the Thrawn campaign, with one notable incident involving the unit's second-in-command, "Sleepy" Nagelson, who famously dozed off during a reconnaissance mission.

During the Black Fleet Crisis, these fighters were deployed on a deep reconnaissance mission into the Koornacht Cluster. Following the loss of Admiral Hiram Drayson's reconnaissance assets within the Koornacht, a gap in military intelligence emerged. General Etahn A'baht proposed filling this gap by deploying Recon-Xs into the cluster. With the approval of President Leia Organa Solo, nineteen Recon-Xs and five unmanned drones from the 21st Recon Group were launched in a large-scale operation. Their mission was to survey Yevethan worlds and their defenses, providing crucial intelligence to the New Republic Defense Fleet. Target worlds included Wakiza, Zhina, New Brigia, Doornik-881, Morning Bell, Polneye, Kojash, Tizon, Z'fell, Faz, and the Yevethan capital N'zoth. A'baht initially estimated a mere forty percent mission survival rate, given the inherent dangers.

These fighters entered their target systems via hyperspace and conducted brief, five-minute scouting runs within one thousand kilometers of their target worlds, gathering orbital intelligence. However, Tal Fraan had anticipated the mission, and Yevethan defenses detected the Recon-Xs. All nineteen fighters were destroyed within minutes of entering their target systems, failing to collect their full data sets. Lieutenant Rone Taggar, piloting the T-65BR Jennie Lee, surveyed N'zoth before being disabled by an ion cannon blast from the Beauty of Yevetha. As the Yevethan corvette tractored the Jennie Lee into its hangar, the Recon-X self-destructed, destroying both vessels. Despite the mission's failure, the limited reconnaissance data revealed the number and disposition of Yevethan Star Destroyers and Aramadia-class thrustships defending key Yevethan worlds. In the aftermath, Commodore Brand theorized that the Recon-Xs were detected due to their constant-velocity passes, making them vulnerable to Yevethan sensors. Later, Chewbacca received the Recon-X scouting data of the Duskhan League world Wakiza from Admiral Drayson via the information broker Formayj.

Shortly after the large-scale reconnaissance mission, ten Recon-Xs from escort squadron Bravo Flight were assigned to escort Commodore Han Solo's shuttle, Tampion, from Coruscant to the New Republic Fifth Battle Group's Intrepid. However, Senator Tig Peramis betrayed their mission to Nil Spaar. Ninety-one light-years from the Koornacht Cluster, six Yevethan warships, including an Interdictor that pulled them from hyperspace, intercepted the ships. Tampion was disabled by ion cannon fire within seconds of the engagement and captured along with its crew. The ten disabled Recon-Xs were powerless to intervene as the Yevethans departed. Later, the fleet carrier Venture recovered the Recon-Xs of Bravo Flight. Ferry pilots were relieved of command of their fighters and debriefed by New Republic Intelligence to determine if they were responsible for betraying Tampion's mission.

