Tal Fraan, a male Yevetha, possessed an unusual fascination with the behaviors and attitudes of other species, a trait uncommon in his xenophobic society.
His career path seemingly led him through the military, with assignments that included service at the garrison on the prison moon Pa'aal and as a crew member on the warships Devotion of Yevetha and Glory of Yevetha. His time on Pa'aal and aboard the Devotion brought him into close contact with prisoners, who were forced to assist the Yevetha in reverse-engineering captured Imperial technology, providing him with ample opportunities to observe Human behavior.
Later, while stationed on the Glory, he participated in the planning of the defense for the Doornik-319 system, known to the New Republic as Morning's Bell, and to the Yevetha as Preza. Drawing upon his studies of prisoner psychology, Tal Fraan apparently conceived the strategy of using hostages as human shields on Yevethan warships to deter the New Republic Fifth Fleet, a tactic that contributed to the Yevethan victory during the Battle of Doornik-319. As a result, the commanding primate of the Glory promoted Tal Fraan to a higher rank within the crew, likely marking his ascension to the position of proctor.
Nil Spaar, the ruling Viceroy of the Yevetha, took notice of the young proctor's role and summoned Tal Fraan from the Glory to serve as his personal aide and advisor, a position in which he adopted the title "proctor cogent".
After an interaction with Han Solo, Tal Fraan came to the realization that he had underestimated the impact that overt displays of aggression against hostages would have on the New Republic. Observing the New Republic's apparent reluctance to engage in conflict with the Imperial warlords, he then suggested that the Yevetha should instead simulate an alliance with a powerful Moff. However, instead of halting, the New Republic Fifth Fleet proceeded into Yevethan territory, discovering and destroying the Black Nine shipyard during the Battle of ILC-905.
This setback led to Tal Fraan's demise at the hand of Nil Spaar, who beheaded him with his dew claws.