The Battle of ILC-905 occurred during the Black Fleet Crisis and is dated to 17 ABY.
Commodore Brand's patrol group, while operating in the star-filled Koornacht Cluster in Triangle-High Forward formation, learned that the Yevetha were utilizing the ILC-905 system as a jump point. Furthermore, the New Republic forces identified a single starship docked at the shipyard orbiting Prildaz.
The Indomitable and Vanguard initiated combat with the two docked Aramadia-class thrustships, only to be surprised by the arrival of Tholos and Rizaron. Despite this ambush, Commodore Brand continued the offensive against the Yevethan vessels.
Following the destruction of Vanguard by enemy fire, Esege Tuketu and Dogo, piloting two K-wings from Red Flight, abandoned their successful bombing operations against the Black Nine shipyards. They then participated in the assault on the thrustships, inflicting a significant blow to Tholos. With its navigation crippled, Tholos crashed onto a nearby planet, causing the remaining thrustships to retreat.
Even though the battle's duration was a mere eleven minutes, the clash was of high importance for the New Republic's operations against the Yevetha, as it gave them insight into methods for overcoming their advanced deflector shield systems.