Vanguard (Warrior-class)

The Vanguard, a Warrior-class gunship within the New Republic's navy, participated in the Black Fleet Crisis events during the year 17 ABY.

Captain Inadi, a female officer, was in command of the Vanguard, which was a component of Task Force Aster belonging to the New Republic Fifth Fleet. While patrolling a section of the Koornacht Cluster alongside the task force's command ship, the Indomitable, the gunship engaged Yevethan Aramadia-class thrustships during the Battle of ILC-905.

Initially, the Vanguard was tasked with guarding the Indomitable as they traversed the ILC-905 system. Subsequently, it received orders to scout beyond the horizon of the planet Prildaz. There, the gunship's sensors detected Black Nine, a former Imperial shipyard, along with the defending warships Tholos and Rizaron, plus a recently arrived Yevethan cargo transport.

The Vanguard quickly found itself targeted by the Yevethan warships, with its shields weakening under the heavy fire from their turbolasers. One of the gunship's laser cannons malfunctioned and exploded, and the particle shields failed due to a missile barrage from the Rizaron.

At this juncture, the Indomitable entered the fray, diverting turbolaser fire from Tholos, while two waves of K-wing bombers were deployed to support the Vanguard against the Rizaron.

In an effort to aid the K-wings, the Vanguard launched its remaining CM-9 concussion missiles, but the midships battery experienced a malfunction, causing further damage to the gunship. The thrustship responded with another missile attack. The first missile eliminated three engines and the power in the gunship's aft section. Captain Inadi then gave the order for the crew to abandon ship, but shortly after, two more missiles struck, destroying the bridge and causing a massive explosion.

The Vanguard vanished from the sensors of the Indomitable and the accompanying New Republic fighters, and was removed as an active combatant.

