A pilot of Quarren descent, Nrin Vakil was a member of Rogue Squadron, serving the group following their mission to Mrlsst. Considering himself to be a knight-like figure, Vakil's flight suit was uniquely modified, filled with salt water as a constant reminder of his homeworld.

Initially, the Quarren background of Nrin Vakil led to friction with Ibtisam, the Mon Calamari officer within Rogue Squadron. He maintained a somewhat detached demeanor with his fellow squadron members, and was known for his complaints. During a mission that took place on Malrev IV, it seemed as though he suffered a panic attack during a ground battle with the native Irrukiine. However, he was in fact hurrying back to his X-wing with the intention of utilizing it as a weapon against the enemy infantry. This action prompted Ibtisam to begin viewing Vakil in a different light.
During the course of that same mission, certain members of the squadron, including Tycho Celchu and Ibtisam, experienced bizarre dreams influenced by Cartariun, the Devaronian adept of the dark side. Ibtisam had a dream in which Vakil was addressing a crowd on Mon Calamari, placing blame on the Mon Calamari for the troubles afflicting the planet. In her dream, Ibtisam believed she could manipulate his thoughts and played a prank on him. When she shared the dream with Herian I'ngre, the Bith member of the squadron, she mentioned that Vakil seemed exceptionally passionate and articulate, which seemed to further spark her interest in him.
The campaign fought on Brentaal IV saw Ibitsam shot down, which forced Vakil to confront his true feelings for his comrade. After she was rescued by Kapp Dendo and returned to the squadron, the two began to move towards a relationship. However, their relationship was not destined to last, as Ibtisam was shot down and killed in action during a mission to rescue Sate Pestage, the Imperial Grand Vizier. During the evacuation, Pestage was asked to share a shuttle with the body of Ibtisam, but he refused. Vakil overheard this and became enraged, attacking the former Imperial regent. His fellow pilots restrained him, and Pestage realized that he would not be welcome in the New Republic. He sought sanctuary with Admiral Delak Krennel within the Ciutric Hegemony, who subsequently strangled him.
Vakil, grieving over Ibtisam's passing and desiring time for reflection, requested a leave of absence, followed by a transfer away from Rogue Squadron. He then dedicated his time to training new recruits. However, the threat posed by the Empire, which was newly reinvigorated under the command of Grand Admiral Thrawn, prompted the New Republic to redeploy its forces, and Vakil returned to flying combat missions. During this period, Nrin received promotions through the ranks, achieving the rank of major by 9 ABY.
Following Thrawn's defeat, the New Republic made the decision to target the breakaway [warlords](/article/warlord-legends], as they lacked the protection provided by the central Empire, and it was anticipated that they would be defeated quickly. During the campaign against Delak Krennel, it became clear that significant events were unfolding within the Ciutric Hegemony. Due to the limited information available regarding the Hegemony, Rogue Squadron was assigned to perform a series of reconnaissance missions. Vakil rejoined the squadron to pilot a T-65BR X-wing reconnaissance starfighter, which was also known as a "snoopscoot." He survived the trap at Corvis Minor and played a role in the liberation of the prisoners from the Lusankya. Recognizing Vakil's commando skills, Celchu dispatched him alongside Corran Horn and Ooryl Qrygg to liberate the prisoners held on Ciutric IV.
Later in life, he married Koyi Komad, the Twi'lek who served as the chief mechanic for Rogue Squadron. In 43 ABY, he participated in a mission aimed at rescuing the Calrissian-Nunb Mines located on Kessel from a series of devastating groundquakes.
Nrin was created to introduce a Quarren character into the series, after Isplourrdacartha Estillo (who was originally intended to be a Quarren) was changed to a Human. The 2008 novel Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor mistakenly refers to the character as "Nin."