The Malrev incident unfolded when Rogue Squadron was dispatched to locate the missing vessel, the Starfaring. They found themselves under attack by the indigenous Irrukiine, who were mentally manipulated by Cartariun, a practitioner of Sith magic.
The Malrev system became the search area for Rogue Squadron after the Bothan ship Starfaring went missing. It was discovered that the ship had crashed on Malrev IV, a planet. This former Imperial territory housed a Sith Temple where the Devaronian Cartariun used his powers to control the Irrukiine population.

As they entered the system, Dllr Nep detected an unusual sound, which guided the Rogues to the fourth planet, where they were ambushed by TIE fighters. During the attack, Wedge Antilles's craft was downed. The remaining Rogues landed, discovering both the Starfaring and the surviving members of its crew. That first night, the group was subjected to a fierce assault by the Irrukiine. These creatures were eventually repelled by Rogue pilot Nrin Vakil, who used his X-wing to blast the Irrukiine. While the Irrukiine attacked, their master Cartariun was healing Wedge in the nearby temple.

Cartariun persisted in employing his Sith magic to inflict nightmares upon the Rogues, seeking a mind susceptible to his influence. As the Irrukiine launched another assault on the Rogues and Bothans, Wedge successfully broke free from Cartariun's grasp. However, Dllr willingly entered the temple and surrendered himself to Cartariun, unable to resist the music created by the Sith magic. Cartariun attempted to corrupt Dllr, but upon his resistance, he dispatched a squadron of TIEs to attack the Rogue Squadron's X-wings. As Cartariun manipulated the battle with Sith magic, Dllr managed to stun him, only to be fatally shot in the back by Girov Dza'tey, the Bothan leader. Girov, having learned the temple's power, eliminated Cartariun to claim the Sith powers for himself. Assuming control of the Irrukiine, he unleashed more beasts and TIEs into the ongoing battle.

In the Starfaring's medical bay, Rogue pilot Herian I'ngre, recovering from injuries sustained in the previous battle, received a telepathic message from Dllr, urging her to destroy the temple. With the Rogues facing overwhelming odds against a swarm of TIE/IN interceptors, Herian, guided by Dllr, boarded an X-wing and headed for the temple. The arrival of Eiattuan Z-95 Headhunters led by Princess Isplourrdacartha Estillo dramatically shifted the battle in the skies above the planet. Ultimately, Herian piloted the X-wing into the temple, launching proton torpedoes as she did so. The resulting explosion destroyed the temple, along with Herian, Dllr, and Girov.

With the temple's destruction, the Irrukiine ceased their hostilities, allowing the Rogues to evacuate Malrev IV aboard the Starfaring. However, Rogue Squadron suffered the loss of two pilots. Nep and I'ngre both manifested as Force ghosts after their deaths, observing Rogue Squadron's departure.