Herian I'ngre was a female Bith pilot of starfighters who distinguished herself as an X-wing flier within Rogue Squadron during the era of the Galactic Civil War. Her designation was pilot.
Seven months following the pivotal Battle of Endor, Herian I'ngre, a female Bith, became a member of Rogue Squadron, the New Republic's esteemed starfighter unit. Her choice to serve went against the general pacifism of her species', a decision motivated by the New Republic's diverse composition, a stark contrast to the Humanocentric prejudice prevalent within the Galactic Empire. Due to her species' inherent nearsightedness, I'ngre needed special flight goggles while piloting.
Shortly after her arrival, Wedge Antilles, the Rogue Leader, tasked her with electrifying the ejection seats of her fellow pilots' during a simulation to enhance the training's realism.
I'ngre joined the squadron just in time for the mission to Eiattu 6. During that campaign, the Rogues were mostly involved in ground warfare, engaging with the forces of Moff Leonia Tavira. I'ngre, along with several of her fellow squadron members, was captured, but she was later rescued thanks to the actions of the Rogue Nrin Vakil.
I'ngre's second mission with Rogue Squadron involved a trip to Malrev IV in an attempt to rescue the Bothan spaceliner Starfaring. Upon their arrival on the planet, the Rogues found themselves attacked by TIE fighters flown by the primitive Irrukiine, who were being controlled by the Sith magic of the sorcerer Cartariun.

That engagement was I'ngre's only true aerial combat experience with the squadron, as she suffered severe wounds the following day during a ground battle with Carturian's forces. She sustained brain damage, and the destruction of her flight goggles effectively grounded her. However, when her squadron faced the threat of being overwhelmed by the enemy, I'ngre commandeered the damaged fighter of her fellow Rogue Feylis Ardele and, guided by Dllr Nep, piloted the ship into the Sith temple that was responsible for the carnage on the planet. I'ngre and Nep made the ultimate sacrifice, destroying the temple and saving the lives of their fellow pilots.
I'ngre was known to have a passion for music, and she frequently engaged in discussions about the techniques of various bands with Nep, who was the Squadron's other music enthusiast.