Eiattu Campaign

The Eiattu Campaign unfolded when the forces belonging to the People's Liberation Battalion launched an assault on the Galactic Empire's stronghold situated on Eiattu 6. Assistance in defeating the Imperial forces was provided by Rogue Squadron, and Princess Isplourrdacartha Estillo unmasked the supposed Prince Harrandatha Estillo, who was leading the PLB, as an impostor operating on behalf of Moff Leonia Tavira.


Prior to the Battle of Yavin by several years, the society of Eiattu 6 experienced significant disruption due to the Galactic Empire's presence on their world. The planet's aristocratic class, known as the Priamsta, eventually committed regicide, seizing control of the planet. Functioning as an oligarchy, the Priamsta became deeply engaged in a civil war against the People's Liberation Battalion, which was commanded by an individual claiming to be an heir to the royal lineage: Prince Harrandatha Estillo.

The PLB fighting stormtroopers in the swamps of Eiattu.

Following the Battle of Endor, the Priamsta discovered the survival of another heiress, Princess Isplourrdacartha Estillo, who was also known as Rogue Squadron pilot Plourr Ilo. Grand Duke Gror Pernon visited the Rogues, tasking them with the mission of escorting Plourr and Pernon to Eiattu.

The battle

Leonia Tavira escapes.

Upon arriving on Eiattu 6, the Rogues ventured into the planet's swampy regions in search of Prince Harran. They were caught in an ambush by Imperial stormtroopers but were rescued by the People's Liberation Battalion, along with other Rogues piloting X-wings. In the capital city, Plourr made the decision to align herself with Harran, openly declaring her intention to oust the hypocritical noble class from their positions of power. Plourr and Count Rial Pernon faced attacks from forces connected to the Priamsta and Count Arian Laabann. Simultaneously, in the swamps, a group of Rogues (Ibtisam, Derek Klivian, Feylis Ardele, Wes Janson, Dllr Nep, and Herian I'ngre) were taken captive by Moff Leonia Tavira. Plourr eventually revealed to Count Pernon and Wedge Antilles the truth: Harran could not be the real Harrandatha, because she had killed the real Harran in her childhood after he was corrupted by Darth Vader. Subsequently, Moff Tavira disclosed to the captured Rogues that the individual currently known as Harran Estillo was, in reality, an imposter whose purpose was to infiltrate the royal family as a spy for the Empire, replacing the true Harran.

The PLB in the burning Imperial Citadel.

While Nrin Vakil, a Rogue pilot, infiltrated the Imperial Citadel to free his comrades, the PLB, accompanied by the remaining Rogues (Wedge, Plourr, and Tycho Celchu), launched an aerial assault on the capital. Despite their victory, Tavira managed to escape with a portion of the planet's treasury. Following this confrontation, Plourr confronted "Harran," ultimately proving his true identity as an imposter.


Following the battle's conclusion, Plourr made the decision to remain on Eiattu, assuming the role of ruler alongside Rial. The Rogues departed from Eiattu with one fewer pilot in their ranks.

Furthermore, this battle served as a demonstration of power, aimed at containing the warlords Delvardus and Prentioch within their respective territories.

