Harrandatha Estillo
Harrandatha Estillo, also known as Harran, was a prince of Human male descent. He belonged to the royal lineage of Eiattu 6, a Mid Rim planet (possibly the capital of the Ado sector). This planet maintained its monarchy even under the rule of the New Order.
Following his demise, an Imperial operative took his place.

Harran, the son and designated successor of the reigning monarch, Uthorrferrell Cartha, possessed a cruel and deranged disposition. From a young age, he was a supporter of the Galactic Empire. Darth Vader was his idol, and during a visit to Eiattu, the Dark Lord of the Sith mentored the young prince, shaping him into his protégé and representative. Vader used psychological manipulation to transform Harran's passionate sadism into a more calculated and detached form.
During Harran's youth, the Eiattauan aristocracy overthrew the royal family, forcing them into internal exile. They established a ruling council, called the Priamsta, to govern in their absence. A faction within the Priamsta planned to eliminate the dynasty. However, Harran was not killed by the nobles or their agents, but by his sister, Plourr. He had attempted to prevent her escape so he could witness her death. Plourr struck him with a rock, killing him, and left his corpse in the wilderness for the Thuvasaurs to devour.

Years later, a man claiming to be Prince Harran spearheaded the revolutionary People's Liberation Battalion against the Priamsta. He seemingly passed tests to verify his lineage and wore the ring that Vader had given the prince—which was actually an Imperial mind-control device.
However, he was not only an imposter but also an agent and lover of Moff Leonia Tavira. The returned Plourr exposed this false prince, and she then assumed leadership of her people after the Empire's expulsion. In a firefight, Harran's ring-bearing hand was destroyed, and he was left in a vegetative state, his mind shattered.