His ascension to power occurred during a trying period: specifically, when the Declaration of a New Order caused the transformation of the Galactic Republic into the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY. His predecessor, Antbbianplourr III, was compelled to accept demeaning terms in order to maintain his position in the face of an Empire that had now grown beyond a single planet, and to prevent Imperial troops from occupying Eiattu 6. Nevertheless, five years into Uthorrferrell's reign, Grand Moff Tharil Tavira and a detachment of stormtroopers were deployed to Eiattu as an Imperial garrison.
Believing they could negotiate better terms with Tavira independently, the planet's noble families launched a rebellion, resulting in the internal exile of the Emperor and his offspring. As the aristocracy established a governing council called the Priamsta, one faction resolved to eliminate the dethroned Emperor, brutally murdering Uthorrferrell Cartha and his older daughters, Kassen and Dullourr. The youngest daughter, Isplourrdacartha, managed to escape, but she was subsequently forced to kill her mentally unstable brother, Harrandatha, when he attempted to reveal her location to their pursuers.
Years later, Princess Isplourrdacartha was summoned back by the remorseful Priamsta to restore the monarchy and unite the fractured world of Eiattu.
Some uncertainty surrounds the exact structure of Uthorrferrell Cartha's family. While dialogue indicates that Plourr is the youngest of three daughters, a comic panel depicts a child younger than Prince Harran, who himself was younger than Plourr. This could be an unmentioned younger son, or a child of one of her sisters. The woman beside the Emperor in the image might be his eldest daughter, as no wife is mentioned, and it is stated that he and his daughters were killed by the Priamsta. This confusion could stem from concerns about bloodline purity within the royal family, who were apparently genetically engineered for generations by "royal life-engines." Plourr was also betrothed from infancy to Count Rial Pernon, her father's first cousin.