Isplourrdacartha Estillo, the Human female princess of Eiattu 6, also known as Plourr Ilo, from the Mid Rim's Ado sector, found herself exiled. This led her to become a warrior fighting for the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Eventually, she was summoned back to her home planet to assume leadership.

Growing up, Plourr was one of three daughters of the reigning monarch, Uthorrferrell Cartha. However, under her father's and grandfather's rule, the monarchy had to compromise its honor to appease the Galactic Empire. While she was still young, the Eiattuan aristocracy, desiring direct negotiations with the Empire, overthrew the royal family.
Although the initial coup was peaceful, a faction of nobles later brutally murdered the dynasty. Amidst the chaos, Plourr was the sole survivor of the royal house. She, not the Priamsta, killed her psychotic brother, Prince Harran, who had become Darth Vader's protégé and sought to prevent her escape and witness her demise.
The early years of Plourr's exile remain largely undocumented, but she seemingly acquired substantial engineering knowledge and piloting skills. The muscular, shaven-headed mechanic who joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic was hardly recognizable as a princess. By the time the Battle of Endor occurred, she was a non-commissioned technician on Admiral Ackbar's flagship, the Home One. After Endor, she became an X-wing pilot. While her attitude initially caused issues, her reputation as a skilled pilot led Wedge Antilles to recruit her into Rogue Squadron, where she quickly achieved the rank of lieutenant.
Plourr was a highly skilled hand-to-hand combatant, combining physical strength and an athletic build with a quick temper and a suspicious nature, particularly towards incompetent starfighter mechanics. She also possessed a dark sense of humor, often making wry remarks even during intense battles. As a warrior, she favored direct military action over covert operations, despite her service with Rogue Squadron requiring her participation in undercover missions.

Given her history, Plourr understandably despised the Galactic Empire and all it represented. However, a few months into her service with Rogue Squadron, she was summoned back to her homeworld. The ruling council, the Priamsta, hoped she could unite the people and end the tyranny of Moff Leonia Tavira and the terrorism of the People's Liberation Battalion, led by an impostor claiming to be Prince Harran. With the Rogues' help, Plourr exposed the false Harran as a fraud and an agent of Tavira. Ascending to power as Princess of the Realm and Empress Apparent-Heir, Plourr remained on Eiattu to lead her people after the Imperials were expelled, insisting on ruling in cooperation with the people, not just the Priamsta. She was also reunited with Count Rial Pernon, her father's cousin, to whom she was betrothed as a child.
Her association with the Rogues didn't end there. She brought Eiattuan starfighter forces to support the Rogues on Malrev IV, and Wedge allowed her to rejoin them when possible. She assisted in the retrieval of Imperial defector Baron Soontir Fel's family from Corellia from Imperial agent Ilir Post. However, her responsibilities on Eiattu demanded much of her, and with Rial's support, she embraced her role as planetary leader. She even began to grow out her hair again. Still, she often preferred direct military action, as demonstrated at Malrev IV and when she offered her fleet to rescue Princess Leia Organa (actually Winter in disguise) after she was kidnapped by Leonia Tavira's pirate gang.

Originally, she was intended to be a Quarren, but Mike Baron missed that detail in the outline provided by Michael A. Stackpole. Nrin Vakil was later created to address this oversight.
In The Warrior Princess, Plourr is described as Uthorrferrell Cartha's youngest daughter, but a comic panel depicts her as the middle daughter, with a younger sibling even younger than Prince Harran. It is possible that one sister is absent from the photo, and the younger child is a brother not directly mentioned in the text. Alternatively, the woman beside her father might be Plourr's eldest sister instead of her mother (who is not mentioned and may have already passed away). This would make the child on her lap a nephew or niece.