In the year 4 ABY, Rogue Squadron embarked on a critical operation known as the Mission to Corellia. The purpose of this mission was twofold: first, to evacuate members of the Fel family due to the Imperial hero Soontir Fel's defection to the New Republic, and second, to rescue the young Fyric Fel, who had been abducted by Ilir Post prior to their arrival.
Following his capture during the Battle of Brentaal IV, Baron Soontir Fel made an agreement to defect to the New Republic. His condition for doing so was that they assist him in locating his wife, Syal Antilles Fel, who was now a fugitive. To facilitate this, Captain Wedge Antilles of Rogue Squadron, Syal Antilles Fel's brother, selected pilots Plourr Illo, Wes Janson, and Derek Klivian for a secret mission. Their cover story was that they were taking leave, but their true objective was to contact the Fel family on Corellia.
The Rogues landed in Coronet City and then journeyed to the Fel estate via landspeeder. There, they discovered that Fyric Fel, Soontir Fel's two-year-old nephew, had been kidnapped earlier that day. They used Wedge's name as a prearranged signal to identify themselves to Todr Fel, Fyric's father. They also managed to avoid being arrested by CorSec, thanks to the intervention of Officers Corran Horn and Iella Wessiri, who thwarted the attempts of Imperial liaison Agent Kirtan Loor.
Once back at their freighter, the pilots debated Soontir Fel's true allegiance. Shortly after, Ajai Fel, Fyric's mother, arrived and revealed that the kidnappers intended to exchange her son for information on Syal Antilles Fel's whereabouts. Ajai provided the group with the location of the meeting with the kidnappers and a holograph of Fyric. Unbeknownst to the Rogues, the Fel family had placed a tracking device within the holograph, hoping to use the pilots to lure out the kidnappers. Upon meeting Ilir Post, who held a grudge against Soontir Fel for his past actions, Plourr Illo attempted to negotiate Fyric's release. However, Post recognized her as the Princess of Eiattu 6 and captured her and her allies, intending to ransom Illo back to her people. Their plans were disrupted by the arrival of Officers Horn and Wessiri. Post fled during the ensuing chaos, while the Rogues explained Soontir Fel's defection to the CorSec officers and convinced them to assist in rescuing Fyric Fel and locating Post.
The combined force advanced on the building where Fyric was being held, eliminating the guards before encountering Post, who was holding the child at blasterpoint on a balcony. Before anyone could react, Todr Fel, who had tracked the holograph to their location, shot Illir Post. This reckless action risked Fyric's life as he fell from Post's grasp. Illo dove to rescue the child, catching him before he hit the ground. With his son safe, Todr Fel admitted his risky strategy and agreed to leave with his wife and child under the protection of the New Republic.
As the Rogues' freighter departed with the Fels aboard, their escape was blocked by a group of Imperial pirates piloting TYE-wing uglies. The outdated freighter struggled to evade the snubfighters until Officer Horn intervened once again, destroying three of the pirate fighters in his CorSec X-wing and positioning the fourth for Plourr Illo to shoot down. Now able to leave, the group thanked Horn for his assistance and considered the CorSec pilot's potential as a future Rogue.
Two years later, in 6 ABY, Corran Horn joined the New Republic and the reformed Rogue Squadron, led by now-Commander Wedge Antilles, who later married Horn's former partner, Iella Wessiri.
Eventually, Syal Antilles Fel was reunited with her husband, first alongside her brother in the New Republic, and later, with Grand Admiral Thrawn's Empire of the Hand in the Unknown Regions.