Fyric Fel

Fyric Fel, born to Todr Fel and Ajai Fel, was the nephew of Baron Soontir Fel. His birth occurred in late 2 ABY. Almost five years after the Battle of Yavin, following Soontir Fel's defection to the New Republic, he was abducted by Ilir Post. The intention of Post and his Imperial Intelligence superiors was to utilize Fel as leverage, compelling the other Fels to reveal the whereabouts of Soontir's wife, thereby enabling them to pressure Soontir Fel himself. Refusing to comply, Fel's parents, led by Todr Fel, located Post, resulting in Post's death at Todr's hand. Subsequently, Fel and his parents sought refuge with the New Republic.


Early childhood

Fel as a young child

Around late 2 ABY, Fyric Fel entered the world as the son of Todr and Ajai Fel. He spent his formative years alongside the rest of the Fel family on the estate belonging to his uncle, Baron Soontir Fel, a renowned Imperial fighter ace. The Fels held deep convictions regarding family loyalty and duty, and Fel's upbringing took place within an extensive clan that included Wynssa Starflare, Soontir Fel's spouse, and her sons Davin and Chak.

Secretly, Starflare was the sister of Wedge Antilles, a pilot serving in Rogue Squadron. Aware that Director of Imperial Intelligence Ysanne Isard was prepared to exploit this information against her, Starflare went into hiding, taking Fel's cousins with her, after Soontir's capture by the New Republic nine months after the Battle of Endor.


A month later, Ilir Post, an old adversary of Soontir's, orchestrated the kidnapping of Fel, backed by Imperial Intelligence. The abductors left a message demanding a rendezvous, seeking the Fels' cooperation in revealing Starflare's location. While Corellian Security Force officers Corran Horn and Iella Wessiri were tasked with investigating, Fel's parents opted to address the situation independently, keeping the note private.

Post holds Fel hostage.

Ajai persuaded three Rogue Squadron pilots, dispatched by Antilles to ensure Starflare's safety, to meet with the kidnappers, discreetly attaching a tracking device to them. Utilizing this signal, Todr tracked the kidnappers to Post's hideout. Simultaneously, the pilots, in collaboration with Horn and Wessiri, launched an assault on the compound. However, Post emerged on a balcony, brandishing a blaster while holding Fel. He demanded the attackers' withdrawal, but Todr, realizing that Fyric faced certain death if Post remained unchecked, risked his own life and fatally shot Post from the cover of the woods. Fel fell from the balcony, but Isplourrdacartha Estillo made a diving catch that saved his life.

After the Rogues rescued Fel from the hideout, they found Todr waiting. They returned Fel to him as he explained why he had made the shot, and they offered the Fels save haven in the New Republic, to which Soontir had defected. After some thinking, Todr and Ajai accepted the offer, taking Fel to safety with the Rogues. They were nearly killed again when mercenaries employed by Imperial Intelligence ambushed their starship as they departed Corellia, but Horn's timely intervention thwarted the attacking fighters.

Behind the scenes

Michael A. Stackpole conceived Fyric Fel, featuring him in Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Family Ties, the narrative arc in which Fel is introduced. Conflicting depictions of Fel exist within the comic, showing a hologram of Fel as a baby with black hair, while Fel himself is portrayed as blond within the story.

