Ajai Fel

Ajai Fel was married to Todr Fel and bore him a son named Fyric Fel. Soontir Fel, a Baron of the Empire, was her brother-in-law, and she resided on the estate that Soontir acquired through his baronial title. Approximately five years following the Battle of Yavin, Ilir Post abducted her son Fyric as part of a scheme supported by Imperial Intelligence aimed at compelling the Fels to reveal the whereabouts of Wynssa Starflare, Soontir Fel's spouse, due to Soontir's defection to the New Republic. Instead of betraying her own kin, Fel, along with her husband, utilized the Corellian Security Force investigators assigned to the kidnapping case, in conjunction with three pilots from Rogue Squadron dispatched by Wedge Antilles, Starflare's sibling, to expose Post. This allowed Todr to eliminate him and secure Fyric's release. Subsequently, they accepted the Rogues' offer to join Soontir within the New Republic, believing it would provide a safer environment for their family.


A Member of the Fel Family

Ajai Fel

In her youth, Ajai wed Todr Fel, the younger sibling of Soontir Fel, a renowned Imperial fighter ace. This union made her a part of the Fel family, a lineage characterized by profound mutual loyalty and a strong sense of obligation. Around 2 ABY, their son, Fyric, was born.

In 3 ABY, the Fels' living conditions improved significantly when Soontir, having achieved considerable fame as an Imperial pilot, was elevated to the position of Baron of the Empire and granted a substantial estate on Corellia. All of Soontir's relatives were relocated to this estate, where they enjoyed a comfortable lifestyle. They were joined by Wynssa Starflare, Soontir's wife, along with her two children, Chak and Davin. Fel and her family were entrusted with the sensitive information that Starflare was actually Syal Antilles, the sister of Wedge Antilles, a hero of the Rebel Alliance. Consequently, Starflare had prepared contingency plans to escape should her true identity be revealed to Ysanne Isard, the Director of Imperial Intelligence and an adversary of Soontir Fel.

Roughly nine months after the Battle of Endor, Soontir was apprehended by the New Republic during an engagement near Brentaal IV. Fearing reprisal from the Empire, Starflare fled into hiding with Chak and Davin.


Approximately ten months after the Battle of Endor, Fyric was kidnapped from the estate. The Fels received instructions to meet the kidnappers at a designated rendezvous point, but they resolved to resist. They recognized that this was a ploy by Imperial Intelligence to coerce them into divulging Starflare's location, and they refused to betray a family member. Corran Horn and Iella Wessiri, investigators from the Corellian Security Force, were dispatched to investigate, beginning their inquiry by examining the estate and interviewing the Fels. Later that day, three strangers arrived at the estate, claiming to be friends. Before Horn could dismiss them, Todr discerned that they had been sent by Wedge Antilles, and he managed to obtain the location of their docking bay.

Fel and her family leaving for the New Republic

The Fels devised a scheme to locate the kidnappers and rescue Fyric. Fel created a hologram of her son, embedding a tracking device within it, and met with the three New Republic pilots. She asserted that the rest of her family was unwilling to betray Starflare to save Fyric. She demanded that they rescue her son, offering Starflare's location in exchange. Although they were uneasy about her willingness to betray Starflare, Fel, knowing that Starflare would be safe in the New Republic, did not perceive it as a problem. They agreed, and Fel provided the three pilots—Isplourrdacartha Estillo, Wes Janson, and Derek Klivian—with the location of the meeting arranged by the kidnappers.

During the meeting, the New Republic pilots handed the hologram over to Ilir Post, the leader of the Imperial Intelligence-backed kidnappers. Todr used the tracking signal to locate Post's hideout, and when the New Republic pilots, in collaboration with Horn and Wessiri, raided it and drew Post out, Todr shot him and rescued Fyric. The Rogue Squadron pilots extended an offer of safe haven in the New Republic to all the Fels, where Soontir had already defected. Todr returned to the Fel estate to consider the offer. Fel and her husband decided to bring Fyric to safety within the New Republic, and they prepared to depart with the Rogues. Their starship was attacked by mercenaries hired by Imperial Intelligence, but timely intervention by Horn allowed the group to escape the system safely.

Personality and Characteristics

Fel after her son's kidnapping

Ajai Fel displayed unwavering loyalty to her family, willingly undertaking significant risks for their sake, as demonstrated by her participation in the perilous scheme to rescue Fyric without compromising her sister-in-law. Despite her anxieties regarding her missing son, she maintained composure and effectively executed the plan. Fel also exhibited a capacity for deception, convincingly portraying herself as a distraught mother to the Rogue Squadron pilots while manipulating them to assist her.

Behind the Curtains

The character of Ajai Fel was conceived by Michael A. Stackpole, the author of Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron: Family Ties, which serves as the sole source of Fel's appearances.

