Eiattu Civil War

The Eiattu Civil War represents a period of strife between the Priamsta and the People's Liberation Battalion, occurring on the planet of Eiattu 6.

For countless generations, Eiattu 6 was governed by its royal family. Some time before the Battle of Yavin, the Priamsta, the aristocratic class, assassinated the royal family and seized control of the world. Subsequently, the Priamsta became deeply engaged in a civil war against the People's Liberation Battalion.

The PLB was simultaneously at odds with the Imperial presence on Eiattu 6. This group was headed by an Imperial operative posing as Prince Harrandatha Estillo, a member of the former royal lineage.

Following the Battle of Endor, the Priamsta learned of another surviving royal, Princess Isplourrdacartha Estillo, known as Rogue Squadron pilot Plourr Ilo. She came back to govern her people, backed by the nobility, who aimed to challenge Prince Harrandatha Estillo. A battle quickly broke out, resulting in the PLB and Rogue Squadron defeating the Imperial forces on the planet, leading to Moff Tavira's retreat from Eiattu. During the conflict, Princess Isplourrdacartha exposed Prince Harrandatha as a fraud and an Imperial spy, thereby securing the support of the People's Liberation Battalion. Ultimately, the Priamsta had to adapt to a changed political landscape, with a renewed monarchy committed to governing alongside its populace.

