Mission to Mrlsst

The Mrlsst operation unfolded when Galactic Empire troops launched an assault on Mrlsst in 4 ABY with the goal of retrieving the Phantom Project, but Rogue Squadron successfully defended the planet, thwarting the Imperial objective.


Following the Battle of Endor, Gyr Keela, the newly appointed leader of the Mrlsst Trade and Science Academy, opted to auction off the Phantom Project, a supposedly innovative cloaking technology, to both the New Republic and the Galactic Empire. However, the Phantom Project was actually a fraudulent scheme concocted by his predecessor, Rorax Falken, to extort funds from the Empire. Aware of this deception, Captain Wedge Antilles was dispatched to Mrlsst with Rogue Squadron to represent the New Republic and maintain the illusion of the project's legitimacy. Captain Loka Hask, responsible for the demise of Wedge Antilles's parents, arrived at Mrlsst aboard the Star Destroyer Dominator as the Empire's negotiator for acquiring the technology.

The battle

Rogue Squadron escape stormtroopers.

The conflict ignited when members of the Ante-Endor Association murdered several academy students in an attempt to steal datacards containing information about the project. They left behind evidence implicating Tycho Celchu, which compelled Gyr Keela to place Antilles under arrest. Subsequently, Hask's stormtroopers attempted to apprehend the remaining Rogues, who managed to escape with the assistance of Koyi Komad. Antilles was eventually liberated by a holographic projection of Jedi Knight Taj Junak, controlled by Rorax Falken.

Enraged by these events, Hask deployed his TIE fighters and initiated a bombardment of the Mrlsst Academy grounds. Rogue Squadron's X-wings intercepted the majority of the Imperial fighters, but the city suffered extensive damage and significant civilian casualties. Simultaneously, other members of Rogue Squadron rendezvoused with Falken's scientific laboratory located on an asteroid orbiting the planet. Under interrogation by Nep and Terrik, Falken and his students confessed that the Phantom Project was merely a fabricated scheme designed to extract funding from the Empire.

TIE bombers bombing Mrlsst.

Soon after, Captain Hask and Imperial forces arrived at the station to secure the plans. While the stormtroopers engaged in combat with a holographic Jedi ghost manipulated by Falken, Dllr Nep, Mirax Terrik, and the students retreated to the hangar and boarded Terrik's ship, the Pulsar Skate. Falken and Groznik were killed by Loka Hask. The Pulsar Skate attempted to evade the pursuing TIE fighters, but was largely defenseless until the arrival of Rogue Squadron. As the Imperial Star Destroyer approached the Pulsar Skate, Nep and Terrik activated the gravitic polarization beam, a potent weapon that generated a hyperspace wormhole, resulting in the destruction of both the lab and the Star Destroyer.


The destruction of the Dominator.

Wedge Antilles secured the gravitic polarization beam but deemed it too dangerous for future use. Despite the extensive loss of civilian lives, President Gyr Keela viewed the events as an opportunity to fortify the unity of the Mrlssi people.

