Rorax Falken

Rorax Falken, a well-known physicist, was one of many scientists and engineers whose contributions were integrated into the design of the original Death Star.


Upon learning that the Galactic Empire had weaponized his well-intentioned concepts into a devastating weapon, he experienced a significant mental breakdown. Consequently, Falken was permanently confined to a repulsorchair and developed a reclusive nature. His distinct repulsorchair and his disheveled, wild gray hair made him easily recognizable.

Following his relocation to Mrlsst after retirement, Falken's artistic influence manifested in the creation of the band Ghost Jedi, where he served as the primary songwriter. His musical compositions were celebrated throughout the galaxy for their precision and lack of emotional expression, mirroring his scientific endeavors. The band also functioned as his representatives on the planet.

Later, Falken became a crucial figure in the Phantom Project and secretly initiated the development of the gravitic polarization beam. In addition to his research contributions to these projects, he also oversaw the installation of security holocams that eventually encompassed the entire Academy. Unbeknownst to everyone except himself and a select group of collaborators, these cameras possessed bidirectional capabilities, enabling him to project holographic illusions at will throughout the campus. Leveraging this technology, he ultimately created Mrlssti Laser Phantoms. The most renowned of these was modeled after Taj Junak, a martyred Jedi Knight, which soon sparked rumors that the Academy was haunted by his ghost.

In 4 ABY, while attempting to delay the Empire's discovery of the project's true nature as a deception, he found himself in conflict with Rogue Squadron, an Imperial task force led by Captain Loka Hask, and their allies within the neo-Imperial Ante-Endor Association. Falken increasingly deployed Mrlssti Laser Phantoms to manipulate the opposing factions against each other, creating chaos and suspicion within the Academy's premises. Initially, he fabricated a security recording to falsely implicate Alliance pilot Tycho Celchu in the theft of classified materials, leading to the arrest of the Squadron's commander, Wedge Antilles. To further disrupt the negotiations between the Academy's administration and the two galactic powers, he then employed another Phantom, this time in the guise of the "Ghost Jedi", to aid in his escape. Furthermore, Falken also pressured the Wookiee Groznik into serving as his bodyguard by presenting him with a Phantom of Throm Loro, his former master. Throughout these events, Falken observed the quarreling factions through the holocams from his orbital command center.

Rogue Squadron eventually located Falken's base and infiltrated it, successfully stealing the schematics for the Gravitic Polarization Beam before their escape. Shortly thereafter, Falken met his demise when Hask's forces attacked his satellite base. However, he succeeded in preventing the Empire from utilizing his ultimate weapon by destroying it through the creation of a hyperspace wormhole.

